Julie Bjelland

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Reiki and HSPs with Emily Souder

Reiki, a form of energy healing which originated in Japan about 100 years ago, allows recipients to drop into a place of deep healing and relaxation. HSPs can benefit from energy work especially, as they are more likely than others to pick up energy around them and might need help with releasing it. During my sessions with clients, I incorporate visualizations and techniques for grounding and moving energy, which can be so helpful for HSPs!

Emily shares..."I would love for them to hear about the healing and grounding that Reiki can offer. It can be a great self-healing tool too!"

Watch the Video or Listen to the Podcast below!

Here’s the Podcast version for those that prefer just to listen.

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Here’s the Aura Energy Field Guide mentioned.

Emily Souder is a licensed therapist, intuitive guide, and Reiki master practitioner in Maryland. She has written multiple books, most recently having released Sparks: Inspiration for Extinguishing the Power of Fear and Igniting Amusement, Knowing, and Trust. Emily is often found exploring the outdoors as she homeschools her two children, knowing that she is learning as much as, if not more than, they are. 



E-mail: nestingspacellc@gmail.com

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