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Julie Bjelland

In Book One, Niko and his best friend Juju embark on their first adventure to peaceful Sunflower Farm through the Magical Redwood Tree Portal. An enchanted one-legged bird named Uno transports them from the noisy, busy city to a calm and welcoming place filled with other sensitive animal friends who understand and embrace them just the way they are.

They meet Buttercup, a gentle introverted calf who loves books, and her best friend, Blueberry, a joyful & extroverted blue-footed booby bird who loves making everyone laugh.  Back at home, Niko also learns valuable lessons from his wise neighbor cat Zen, who always has thoughtful advice to share from his warm spot on his porch railing.

Follow Niko and his friends as they discover the true power of acceptance and belonging. Join them on a journey filled with joy, self-discovery, and the beauty of being unique.


Juju and Niko are powerful role models for sensitive people everywhere!  They and their sweet friends teach self-acceptance, compassion, and loving-kindness just by being themselves.  I have no doubt this book will help neurodivergent readers embrace who they are, as well as learn new ways to manage and celebrate their sensitivity!

Carolina Mariposa
Psychotherapist & Intuitive Coach Specializing in Highly Sensitive Children, Teens, and Parents

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This heartwarming children's book celebrates neurodivergence and sensitivity and delivers a positive, inclusive message. Niko and Juju are both highly sensitive, and Juju is also autistic. It promotes empathy, kindred friendship, and the beauty of being unique. With charming illustrations and lovable characters, it provides an empowering and joyful reading experience for children while also serving as a valuable resource for those supporting sensitive and neurodivergent children.

The beautiful message in this book of acceptance and celebration of the gift of being a highly sensitive child is a story that I wish was around when my HSP daughter was younger and when I was a child. The story of Juju, Niko and friends will inspire and warm the hearts of your HSP child and let them know they are not alone.

Jen F. (parent)

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Books in the Series

Join Niko, The Highly Sensitive Dog, and his friends on adventures where they discover the importance of differences and the beauty of being unique.

A delightful series of children's stories full of joyful imagination and gentle heartfelt guidance. The illustrations beautifully represent these adorable characters as they learn to nurture and embrace what it means to be highly sensitive. A gift to all highly sensitive children and an educational and entertaining read for all who are blessed with their presence.

Andrea Weber
HSP Writer & Founder of Expansive Happiness®

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Julie Bjelland LMFT

Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is a mom, licensed psychotherapist, and founder of Sensitive Empowerment. She specializes in supporting sensitive and neurodivergent individuals. Julie is dedicated to spreading awareness about the value of neurodivergence, fostering understanding and acceptance of differences, and teaching tools to reduce vulnerability to mental and physical health challenges. Recognizing the importance of early education and tools, her heartfelt children's book series featuring her sweet and sensitive dog, Niko, provides essential support to help children flourish. Autistic and sensitive, Julie drew inspiration from her experiences to create the character Juju. Explore her extensive resources at

Carol Huckle co-hosts “Intuitive Parenting” events inside the Sensitive Empowerment Community to support caregivers of sensitive little ones. As a volunteer Children's Librarian leading pre-K through 5th-grade reading groups, she often wished for books with characters that reflected the unique traits of bright, sensitive children. An introverted child, Carol’s favorite books were her best friends, inspiring the character Buttercup. Buttercup’s passion for research was inspired by Carol’s daughter, whose literary explorations discovered the unique, joyful dance of the blue-footed booby. This inspired the wonderfully extroverted character Blueberry. Carol is thrilled to collaborate with Julie in creating characters that celebrate being their authentic, unique selves!

Carol Huckle

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Please Share & Review!

If you enjoyed reading our book, we would be deeply grateful if you could take a moment to share your thoughts through a heartfelt review where you purchased the book. Your feedback means the world to us and helps others discover the magic within these pages.

We hope you consider gifting a hardcover copy of the book to your child’s school or local library. By spreading the word, we can create a ripple effect celebrating the beauty of diversity and the uniqueness of every child. 

Thank you for joining us on this beautiful journey!