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“Wow! Just when I think I’ve listened to “the best one,” I listen to another episode and it’s just as good! This is incredibly empowering, life changing information for HSPs. This podcast is amazing!”

“I didn’t know I was an HSP until a few weeks ago and it has changed so much in my world, like a weight lifted off my shoulders. The podcasts I’ve listened to have hit home. Tears. Emotion. I keep thinking yes yes yes! I understand and this IS normal. Thank you.”

“Not only does this podcast provide helpful information, but also tools, and incredible meditations, all contained by such a beautiful soul of a host, Julie. THANK YOU JULIE FOR ALL YOU DO!!!”

“I recently found your podcast and I am crying so much, in a good way, healing and I am really ready to carve out the self care I need for myself. Your podcast is so empowering. Just what I need. Thank you!”

“These are life-changing podcasts. Highly recommended. Filled with tips, science-based tools, and support.”


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