Episode 110: The Gifts of Our Tears with Allie Cartwright

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Show Notes

"From a young age, we are taught to stifle our tears. We are trained that our tears are a burden to others, a sign of weakness, a useless display. This does us a great disservice! Tears are an amazing tool our body uses to process both joy and grief. So what happens when you remove the stigma and allow tears from yourself and those around you? Amazing healing takes place.

Everyone's ability to and need for crying is different, so how do you embrace what is right for you? Today we explore the societal stigmas around tears, the science of how they help us, and how you personally can begin to heal the barriers preventing us from fully utilizing the gifts of our tears.

Meditation expert Allie Cartwright struggled with being a highly sensitive person her whole life until she tapped into the power of understanding her energy and caring for herself through meditation and mindfulness. Now she is passionate about helping others tune in to themselves to embrace their true self and align with their best life." www.alliecartwright.com

Listen to more episodes of The HSP Podcast at HSPpodcast.com

Explore more resources for HSPs and Empaths, including a free Sensitivity Quiz and books and courses for the sensitive at JulieBjelland.com

Julie Bjelland is the founder of Sensitive Empowerment. As a sensitivity expert and psychotherapist, her books, online courses, and Sensitive Empowerment Community have helped thousands of highly sensitive people (HSPs) worldwide reduce their challenges, access their gifts, and discover their significant value to thrive to their fullest potential. Known for her ability to teach HSPs proven brain-training tools that work quickly, Julie is on a mission to empower sensitive people to live their best lives. For more HSP resources and to take Julie’s free Sensitivity Quiz, visit JulieBjelland.com 

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"From a young age, we are taught to stifle our tears. We are trained that our tears are a burden to others, a sign of weakness, a useless display. This does us a great disservice! Tears are an amazing tool our body uses to process both joy and grief.

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