Product Recommendations

My Favorites for the Sensitive

As a specialist in high sensitivity, I’ve tested many products. Here are some of my favorites!

Favorite Calming Devices


My Favorite Fidget Tool


Favorite Earplugs


Favorite Electrolytes (no sugar)

75% of us are chronically dehydrated. Symptoms include headaches, gut issues, fatigue, grogginess, brain fog, and skin issues. I love this liquid electrolyte that you can squirt into any drink because it doesn't use ingredients linked to inflammation and disease, like sugar, stevia, dextrose, natural flavors, artificial dyes, and oils. It even has a discount for people with chronic illnesses. Use my link to get 20% off.


Best Sleep

My Favorite Soft Sheets, Loungewear, Mattress & Pillows!

I am very sensitive to how a fabric feels, and these soft sheets and soft fabric loungewear are my favorite (and Oprah’s, too)! I LOVE the sensory pleasure of how good these feel! I have been using the same set of sheets and clothes I bought a few years back, and they are still soft and wonderful! Save 40% using this code:

I learned about this mattress from an HSP posture and movement specialist after a back injury and it has been so good for my back and my sleep! I also love their pillows; you can custom stuff exactly how you like it!


Importance of Sensory Reduction

Sensory reduction plays a crucial role in the lives of highly sensitive individuals and the neurodiverse. This practice involves minimizing sensory input to prevent overstimulation, which is common in these groups. The benefits of sensory reduction are multifaceted, enhancing physical comfort and psychological well-being. Here's an overview of the primary advantages:

  1. Reduces Overstimulation: Highly sensitive people and neurodiverse individuals often experience sensory overload from environmental stimuli that others might find normal or underwhelming. Sensory reduction techniques, such as dim lighting or noise-canceling headphones, can mitigate this overload, making environments more navigable and less stressful.

  2. Improves Concentration and Focus: Individuals can better concentrate on tasks at hand by minimizing distracting sensory input. This is especially beneficial in educational and professional settings, where focus is paramount to success.

  3. Enhances Emotional Regulation: Overstimulation can lead to emotional distress, anxiety, and mood swings. Sensory reduction helps in moderating these responses, promoting a more balanced emotional state. This can be particularly helpful during high-stress situations or in environments where sudden sensory inputs are common.

  4. Supports Better Sleep: Sensory-reducing strategies applied in the bedroom, such as blackout curtains or white noise machines, can help create a more conducive sleeping environment. For highly sensitive and neurodiverse individuals who might struggle with sleep disturbances, this can lead to improved sleep quality and duration.

  5. Promotes Social Interaction: Overstimulation can make social environments overwhelming, leading to avoidance of social situations. Sensory reduction can make these settings more tolerable, encouraging social engagement and reducing feelings of isolation.

  6. Increases Overall Well-being: By addressing the root causes of sensory discomfort, sensory reduction techniques can significantly enhance overall quality of life. This includes better physical health, emotional well-being, and social relationships.

I have compiled a list of my favorite sensory products for those interested in exploring sensory reduction tools and products. These items are designed to help manage sensory input at home, work, or on the go. They range from wearable items that provide constant sensory input control to gadgets that create a more sensory-friendly environment in your surroundings.

Embracing sensory reduction techniques and incorporating supportive products into daily routines can be transformative, especially for those navigating the complexities of high sensitivity or neurodiversity. By understanding and mitigating the impacts of overstimulation, individuals can unlock new levels of comfort, focus, and engagement with the world around them.


Why it’s Important

Highly sensitive people (HSPs) and the Neurodiverse have sensory sensitivities; therefore, using products that calm or reduce our sensory load can reduce sensory overload.

Sensory Overload

It is when our senses take in more than our brain can keep up with processing. It is often the culprit of fight/flight activation, leading to higher rates of anxiety.

Do you have a product you LOVE and recommend?

I would love to hear from you!

I’m Julie Bjelland, LMFT

Licensed Psychotherapist, author, and founder of Sensitive Empowerment, specializing in high sensitivity and adult-diagnosed autism in women. I love developing tools that balance our sensitive nervous system, reduce challenges, and help us reach our fullest potential so we may excel in our unique talents. I’ve created a global hub of extensive support, including online courses, the Sensitive Empowerment Community—a nurturing sanctuary—a globally top-ranked podcast, articles, free webinars, and more. My passion is helping create a world where differences are embraced as strengths and celebrated. Learn more at