Is Dysregulation Impacting Your Life? How to Recognize and Manage our Emotional Response with Dr Melanie Joy


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Show notes:

We are all living in tumultuous times and it’s very easy to become overwhelmed. When our nervous system is out of balance, we are more likely to have heightened emotional responses to what’s going on around us.

In this insightful interview, Dr Melanie Joy shares how highly sensitive people can experience dysregulation due to high empathy, weakened boundaries, taking on the responsibility to create harmonious relationships and perfectionist tendencies.

Managing the intake of distressing media, challenges around co-parenting, difficult and intense conversations, diet and lifestyle are all discussed with helpful and practical strategies to help regulate the nervous system and keep us grounded and supported. Throughout the interview, Melanie shares a number of useful resources for guidance along the way.

Dr Melanie Joy holds a PHD in psychology, specializing in relationships, communication, and the psychology of social change. She is the author of seven books, including the bestselling Getting Relationships Right: How to Build Resilience and Thrive in Life, Love, and Work and How To End Injustice Everywhere

Melanie's work has been featured in major media outlets around the world, and she has received a number of awards for her work on global nonviolence, including the Ahimsa Award that has previously been given to the Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela. She has given talks and trainings in over 50 countries and is the founding president of the international organisation, Beyond Carnism. 

Special offer:
Free Download Chapter 1 of Melanie’s book, Getting Relationships Right: 

Melanie’s articles in Psychology Today:
How Sensitive People Can End Violence Without Getting Hurt
Are you a Highly Relational Person?

Melanie’s non profit organisation is Beyond Carnism:
You can learn more about Melanie at and follow her on Instagram @drmelaniejoy.

Melanie's Books
Getting Relationships Right
Beyond Beliefs

The HSP and Neurodivergent Podcast - Season 2 Episode 4 Guest Speakers
How to Stay Emotionally and Psychologically Safe in the Midst of Distressing Media with Dr Melany Joy

Andrea Weber’s Resources & Links

Andrea Weber is the Business Group and Events Coordinator for the Sensitive Empowerment Community and founder of Expansive Happiness®, where everyday experiences of heartfelt human connection are shared. Andrea contributes beautifully written articles for websites and publications in the areas of mindful wellbeing and joyful creativity. Her work also features the constructive management of environmental sensitivities.

Founder of Podcast:

Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is a licensed psychotherapist, author, and founder of Sensitive Empowerment. She is known for developing innovative, easy-to-implement tools that help balance the sensitive nervous system, reduce challenges, and empower individuals to excel in their unique talents. Julie has created a global hub of support, including online courses, the Sensitive Empowerment Community—a nurturing sanctuary for sensitive and neurodivergent individuals—a globally top-ranked podcast, articles, free webinars, and more. Her passion is helping to create a world where differences are embraced as strengths and celebrated. Learn more at