Episode 57: Working from Home Tips

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Show Notes

I share tips to support highly sensitive people (HSPs) working from home right now. Sharing ways to support yourself and your sensitive system as well as tips to create a workspace that works well for HSPs. You’ll add a few tools to your toolbox and information that can help you reduce stress and feel more focused and efficient for work. I teach how to find the balance between work and home life so that is best for you.

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I share tips to support highly sensitive people (HSPs) working from home right now. Sharing ways to support yourself and your sensitive system as well as tips to create a workspace that works well for HSPs. You'll add a few tools to your toolbox and information that can help you reduce stress and feel more focused and efficient for work.

Resources & Links Mentioned in Episode

  • To take Julie’s free sensitivity quiz, explore her books and courses for the sensitive and learn tools to reduce the challenges and access your gifts, visit www.juliebjelland.com.

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