Episode 163: Our Spiritual Experience as HSPs and the Connection with Purpose hosted by Willow McIntosh
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Willow shares: The depth of our relationship with the natural world is often a very important part of who we are as HSPs. Yet for many of us religion and spirituality become tricky areas. Usually because we have been having a powerful spiritual relationship with the world around us ever since we were little. Oftentimes we are told or taught as young people that our world view is supposed to fit into a particular genre or existing framework.
From all of my work with HSPs over the years, the connection we have at a deeper level with the world, is a big part of who we are. The part of us that feels into the truth of things. A deeper experience of reality, both within ourselves and the natural world. Feeling safe to explore this part of who we are, brings a great gift with it. It helps us to understand that our deeper experience of the true nature of things is very much aligned with our purpose and place in the world. That in fact the ability we have to commune with nature, ourselves and others at a deep level, is what gives us our ability to serve in a deep and meaningful way.
We are often referred to as the 'Spiritual Leaders', the 'Guardians of the Inner World' and the 'Spiritual Advisors'. Owning and knowing how to utilise this part of who we are is a wonderful act of self love and self acceptance.
Join me this week as I open the discussion around our high sensory experience from a spiritual point of view. An opportunity to begin to normalise a very important part of who we are. A part that can bring great clarity and meaning to the work we are here to do for both ourselves and humanity.
Willow McIntosh is the founder of Inluminance and creator of the High Sensory Coaching Program. Unique circumstances during Willow’s childhood lead to the burying of his authentic self and complete misalignment to the work he was destined for. He began to carve his own path into understanding how people with sensory processing sensitivity can learn to use their genetic traits to their advantage. As an adult this lead to a lifelong enquiry and practise into learning powerful energetic alignment techniques to re-engage with the authentic self. Willow believes that all people with the trait have the ability to tap into a unique skill that draws on a deeper sensory perception. Having successfully facilitated the development of seven figure businesses Willow’s practise has taken him all over the world. Speaking internationally, training in a broad range of fields and facilitating others for more than twenty years. http://highsensoryintelligence.com/
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Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is an HSP psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, the author of The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person, and founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community. Her HSP Podcast ranks among the top 5% of the most shared and followed podcasts worldwide. Julie’s webinars. resources, online courses, and blog have helped millions of HSPs reduce the challenges of living with sensitivity in an overstimulating world. Her greatest joy is helping sensitive people discover their significant value and seeing them share their much-needed gifts with the world. Julie loves connecting in her community and warmly invites you to join this positive, inclusive, sensitive family. Explore her resources and learn how her brain training program reduces anxiety within the first two weeks at JulieBjelland.com❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)
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