Episode 197: The Gift of Vulnerability: Finding Strength in Our True Self with Julie and Willow

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In this conversation, Julie Bjelland and Willow McIntosh share personal stories and insights about their experiences as highly sensitive people (HSPs). Julie talks about her rescue mission to save a baby seagull and how her sensitivity allowed her to notice and help the bird. Willow discusses his journey of self-discovery and the process of letting go of old patterns to embrace his true self. Both speakers emphasize the importance of embracing sensitivity and intuition and the power of connecting with our inner child. The conversation explores the natural state of humans and animals, the importance of embracing sensitivity, and the power of self-acceptance. It also discusses the creation of resources and programs to support highly sensitive people (HSPs) in their personal and professional lives.

Julie’s Resources & Links

Willow’s Resources & Links


highly sensitive people, HSP, sensitivity, intuition, self-discovery, inner child, natural state, animals, sensitivity, self-acceptance, resources, programs, highly sensitive people


  • Sensitivity allows us to notice and connect with the world around us on a deeper level.

  • Embracing our sensitivity and intuition can lead to profound personal growth and self-discovery.

  • Letting go of old patterns and beliefs is necessary to fully embrace our true selves.

  • Connecting with our inner child can bring joy, playfulness, and a deeper sense of self.

  • Animals can serve as reminders of our natural instincts and interconnectedness with the world. Animals are deeply connected to the ecosystem and their survival depends on it, reflecting their natural state.

  • Human beings have the same natural state as animals, but with a higher level of conscious awareness.

  • Embracing sensitivity and self-acceptance allows HSPs to make a positive impact in the world.

  • Creating resources and programs tailored to HSPs can help them thrive in their personal and professional lives.

About the Hosts

I’m Julie Bjelland, LMFT, a Licensed Psychotherapist, author, and founder of Sensitive Empowerment, specializing in high sensitivity and adult-diagnosed autism in women. I love developing tools that balance our sensitive nervous system, reduce challenges, and help us reach our fullest potential so we may excel in our unique talents. I’ve created a global hub of extensive support, including online courses, the Sensitive Empowerment Community—a nurturing sanctuary—a globally top-ranked podcast, articles, free webinars, and more. My passion is helping create a world where differences are embraced as strengths and celebrated. Learn more at JulieBjelland.com


Willow McIntosh is the founder of Inluminance and has been working in purpose alignment and lightworker facilitation for 17 years. He specialises in initiating people with High Sensory Intelligence to experience their reality as a gift that can be implemented into valuable products and services. https://inluminance.com/

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