Julie Bjelland

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Free Zoom Workshop for Spiritual and Conscious Entrepreneurs

In many ways, running a spiritual, holistic, wellness or conscious business is just like running any other business. And in some especially important ways, it's completely different. 

If you've ever mulled over the idea of becoming a spiritual or conscious entrepreneur, I invite you to join my friend and colleague Bevin Niemann for a free, live Zoom workshop called 5 Concepts Spiritual & Conscious Entrepreneurs Need to Focus On to Thrive and Serve.

Bevin and I worked closely for the past few years in the field of sensitivity, including appearing together twice on The Shift Network’s Evolutionary Empath Global Summit. She’s also been a special guest speaker inside my private Sensitive Empowerment community.

During her free workshop on Saturday, July 11, she will present the top 5 priorities every spiritual entrepreneur must focus on to thrive, while also serving clients meaningfully. She will then open space to answer your specific questions about entrepreneurship. 

You can ask how she created her conscious business, the first steps to start bringing your passionate spark of an idea into reality, or trends she’s noticed in the spiritual, holistic, and wellness fields.

She will also briefly touch upon her upcoming group program: Wisdom Circle for Novice Entrepreneurs.  Rest assured; this will not be a Zoom workshop masked as a sales pitch. After hearing what she shares, maybe you'll feel excited about starting a conscious business, expanding the one you already have, or not. We affirm you know what’s the right path for you.

5 Concepts Spiritual & Conscious Entrepreneurs Need to Focus on to Thrive and Serve

Date: Saturday, July 11, 2020

Time: 11A-12P Central Daylight Time (Dallas, Texas U.S.)

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*All registrants will receive a link to the recording.