Julie Bjelland

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Have you been thinking about becoming a meditation teacher?

As more and more people discover the benefits of mindfulness and meditation practice, there's a growing need for qualified teachers—but how do you know when you're ready to teach?

In this free five-part video series, 5 Keys to Becoming a Meditation Teacher, renowned experts Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach reveal the qualities and skills needed to be a successful instructor. 

Follow this link to sign up for the first video, "A Teacher's Guide to Self-Kindness."

Here, you'll discover:

  • Tara Brach’s personal story of becoming a teacher

  • The Dalai Lama’s advice for Western meditation teachers

  • How to develop trust through difficulties

  • Training others to quiet the self-critic and deepen self-kindness

This inspiring video is just the first of five new teachings with Jack and Tara. Stay tuned for the next video in the series, "Cultivating a Sanctuary for the Sacred," coming soon!

With Love,
