Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

Dear friends, 

At this moment, we wouldn't be surprised if you're feeling between. Between political moments; between opinions on public health; perhaps even between jobs. So many of us feel stuck in an unpredictable and sometimes frightening era.

It's natural to be afraid during uncertain times—but according to beloved Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön, this sense of chaotic restlessness isn't actually some unprecedented phenomenon. Indeed, in Buddhist thought, all times are uncertain ones. No matter how "normal" a period may feel, that normal is already changing and dissolving by the time you cling to it. And for Ani Pema, there is immense value in recognizing this inherent groundlessness of life.

If these concepts resonate with you, we invite you to join Ani Pema for a FREE live Q&A session on September 3, 2020, to discuss how we can live well even (and perhaps especially) in groundless times. 

This is your opportunity to ask Pema any questions you might have—especially those about dealing with uncertainty and fear. We hope you join us for the broadcast!

Much Love,


Julie BjellandComment