Opening to Our Lives with Jon Kabat-Zinn: a free training

Dear Beautiful Sensitive Soul,

How are you doing? Really doing?

If you haven’t stopped to ask yourself that question lately, then perhaps you have your answer.

The demands of the modern world can make us lead surface-level lives in which we aren’t able to take a moment to rest, let alone check in with ourselves. 

With that in mind, we recommend that you watch “Why Mindfulness Matters - and Why It Might Matter to You!” - a free training video from Jon Kabat-Zinn.

For over 40 years, this renowned clinician has been treating anxiety, depression, and many other mental, physical and emotional challenges. In Why Mindfulness Matters - And Why It Might Matter to You!, he explores how regular mindfulness meditation can be the answer to the stress-soaked pace of daily life. He explains that mindfulness not only alleviates stress-based symptoms, but also offers a better understanding of ourselves - mind, body, and spirit.

Even if you’re familiar with mindfulness, this video is a rare opportunity to hear from one of its most important teachers - and now more than ever, everyone could stand to pause, breathe, and benefit from his wisdom.

With Love,


Julie BjellandComment