Supportive Podcast Episodes for Highly Sensitive People

Self love and living from the heart with Julie Bjelland and Willow McIntosh

Making the conscious choice of choosing positive thoughts on a moment to moment basis. Strengthening the muscle of experiencing heart consciousness and how simple it becomes to access it. Learning to stop feeding the false opinion we have of ourselves. Learning to find the inner resource of knowing.

Hope in Crisis

There are so many things we can do right now to support ourselves through this crisis. Accessing resiliency and hope can make a big difference. Developing self compassion and brain training skills designed to activate calming centers will also support your balance.

Growth Through Suffering

There absolutely can be growth through suffering. In fact it's our responsibility right now to intentionally take the path towards growth and to recognize the power of this trait of high sensitivity. This trait evolved as a survival strategy of the population. You are needed more than ever.

Accessing Resiliency: Helping Yourself & the World When You Are Needed
Most with Willow McIntosh & Julie Bjelland

Willow and I talk about resiliency today. We share what we are doing to stay resilient and how to access it. Additionally, I have observed these 10 patterns of what HSPs are doing right now that are helping them to stay resilient.

10 Minute Relaxation Meditation

Give yourself this gift and allow yourself to relax your body, mind and spirit right now.

How HSPs Are Staying Resilient

Give yourself this gift and allow yourself to relax your body, mind and spirit right now.

How to find your purpose as an HSP/HSI in this uncertain time. ‘Feeling the inner truth’ with Julie Bjelland and Willow McIntosh

Many people out there right now are being called to dig deep around what to do in this lockdown period. We think it could be supportive to talk about purpose and how to tune into our inner truth around this.

Recognizing the importance and value of our high sensory abilities during a global pandemic with Julie Bjelland & Willow McIntosh

This podcast episode is dedicated to empowering sensitive people to recognize their trait as sensory intelligence and bring their unique gifts into service for the crucial roles we play in communities, businesses, and leadership globally. With Julie Bjelland, Sensitivity Expert, Psychotherapist and Founder of the online Sensitive Empowerment Community And Willow McIntosh founder of Inluminance and leader of the High Sensory Intelligence movement.

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