Tools to Help the Sensitive Thrive in a Chaotic World
Having a sensitive nervous system in a loud, busy, demanding, stressful, chaotic world is HARD! How are we supposed to get everything done when we are overwhelmed, emotional, overstimulated, and exhausted all the time? How do people do it all and still be ok?
That's why I'm teaching this free class, Tools to Help the Sensitive Thrive in a Chaotic World.
These tools will help you be more balanced, get more energy, improve resiliency, increase creativity, reduce stress responses quickly, and improve mental and physical health. I like that they are easy to do and are kind of like having on-demand calming tools to use when you need them.
Wouldn't it be nice to know what helps you feel less overwhelmed and exhausted?
Wouldn't it be nice to have more energy, so you don't feel like you are collapsing into your bed every night wondering what you actually enjoyed and what was just survival mode?
HSPs have so many gifts, and yet most of them are buried underneath all our overwhelm! It's my mission to teach you how to lift off that layer of overwhelm so you can access your gifts and use them to make the world better. The world needs you.
Have you ever admired an HSP and wondered how they seem to get so much accomplished AND stay balanced? These are the tools they are using!
These tools have been developed over years of researching the trait of high sensitivity as a psychotherapist and will teach you how to keep your sensitive nervous system balanced. Then, you’re healthy and thriving to your fullest potential.
These are even the tools I use that helped me move out of survival mode and thrive so I can be the mother I want to be and help HSPs all over the world learn these tools too!
I hope you can join me for this free class. Plus, there is beautiful energy created when we are all together.
Helping you live to your fullest potential because the world needs you.
Consciously choosing to use tools to help balance your sensitive nervous system is the very definition of empowerment.
Looking forward to teaching you these life-transforming tools soon! Invite other HSPs too so we can all be the change the world needs!
Sending love and light to you,
Julie Bjelland is a Psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, host of The HSP Podcast, and Founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community, whose mission is to create a paradigm shift where sensitivity is embraced, valued, and honored. Julie offers multiple essential resources for educating, inspiring, and empowering HSPs. Register for her free Masterclasses, take the Sensitivity Quiz, and profoundly transform your life in her courses and community. Her HSPs in Business Group is designed to support and empower sensitive people to grow heart-centered businesses, share their voices, and be part of the change the world needs. Her HSP Dating Group is a safe space bringing together conscious, kind, caring sensitive people, offering both hetero and LGBTQ+ HSPs.❤️🌈❤️ (she/h
When life feels heavy, negativity can take over. But one simple daily goal—intentionally noticing small moments of beauty, joy, or awe—can train your brain to focus on the positive. This easy practice helps balance emotions, improve mood, and build resilience. Try it for a week and experience the shift!