Julie Bjelland

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What is Joy for an HSP? with Willow and Julie

In this podcast episode, Willow and I talk about what joy means as an HSP.

What does it look and feel like to be truly happy as an HSP? What is it exactly we are striving for? Are we often comparing our happiness to what it looks like in non-HSPs? The pursuit of happiness is a huge topic in itself and is often referred to as being only attained through the acceptance that we can’t be happy all the time! However it goes deeper and research indicates that happiness means the pursuit of meaning, service, and authentic social relationships. Whilst there is certainly a need for meaning, service, and authentic relationships for us, how should we be pursuing this as HSPs? What do these things really look like for us?

What do we value as most important in our lives as HSPs that perhaps are not being acknowledged when we compare to the happiness of non-HSPs? Are we truly recognizing and honoring our needs? Are we being honest about what truly makes us feel a sense of contentment, achievement, and happiness? Where might we be over-processing or over-complicating what happiness really means to us?

Join us as we consider the importance of recognizing whether we are on the right path in the pursuit of our own individual happiness as an HSP.

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I am so thrilled to share that Willow is joining my course, How to Grow a Heart-Centered Online Business! Our passion is to support HSPs to build and grow heart-centered online businesses. We believe in your potential so much and want to support you in whatever ways we can!

In this video, learn what’s in the course

Explore the course

How to Grow a Heart-Centered Online Business

HSPs often feel best when they are able to grow their own businesses because we have a deep need to live aligned with our passion and calling. Many of us are called to serve and are very much needed in the world.

I LOVE helping HSPs rise to their fullest potential, especially when it means helping others.

I want to help you

  • Develop confidence in yourself

  • Do work you feel called to do, led with passion

  • Teach you tools that keep you balanced and resilient in business

  • Live aligned with what honors you

  • Develop financial security (this course teaches how to grow multiple sources of income), which helps you take self-care days and time off to live in balance so you can be the best you can be in all aspects of your life

  • Live in joy in work that feeds your soul

  • Feel fulfilled and live with meaning

Julie Bjelland is the founder of Sensitive Empowerment. As a sensitivity expert and psychotherapist, her HSP podcast, books, online courses, and Sensitive Empowerment Community have helped thousands of highly sensitive people worldwide reduce their challenges, access and share their gifts, and discover their significant value to thrive to their fullest potential, both personally and in business. Known for her ability to teach HSPs proven brain-training tools that work quickly, Julie is on a mission to empower sensitive people to live their best lives. To explore Julie’s valuable HSP resources, including her free Sensitivity Quiz, visit   JulieBjelland.com