Exciting News! New Course! Blooming Brilliantly, Understanding and Loving Who You Are as a Sensitive Person

It can be hard to love who you are as an extremely sensitive person when you are struggling to live in a world not set up for your sensitivities. I know, because that used to be my experience too and that is a really hard way to live.

But the trait of sensitivity exists for a reason. It evolved as a survival strategy of the population and is essential for communities to thrive. Most of our problems as sensitive people can be drastically reduced when we understand what we need to thrive.

When you are caring for yourself in the right ways, you access your gifts. We need sensitive people showing up fully embracing their gifts and sharing them with the world.

But you need to bloom to access all your gifts and superpowers.

Are you wilting or blooming?

Here's what life looks like when HSPs are wilting...

  • Feeling stuck, overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, or having a hard time coping with the state of intense stress in your life and the world

  • Having difficulty being productive

  • Low energy and motivation

  • Feeling tired, depleted or difficulty sleeping

  • Feeling emotionally unstable, out of control or reactionary

  • Low self-compassion and negative self-talk

  • Problems in friendships or relationship

  • Health issues or chronic conditions worsening

  • Trouble accessing inner strength and resiliency

  • Challenges from sensitivity heightened

  • Low self-worth and self-confidence

  • Low self-love

  • Knocked down by life’s stressors

  • A life that isn’t feeling meaningful or fulfilling


HSPs who are blooming in the world…

  • You feel strong and resilient which helps you stay balanced and healthy.

  • You have the energy to be productive and accomplish your goals.

  • You sleep well and wake up rested and restored each day.

  • You are able to pause, reflect, and respond.

  • You are compassionate and have loving supportive self-talk.

  • You create and access tools that help you whenever you need it.

  • You are the person you want to be in the world.

  • You feel focused and have full access to your creativity.

  • You know how to set healthy boundaries and have healthy friendships and relationships.

  • You are loving, patient, and kind to yourself.

  • You know what your needs are and can advocate for them to be met.

  • You feel meaning and fulfillment.

  • You walk in the world liking who you are which creates a higher vibration, attracting positive, supportive people who also love who you are. 

  • You access your gifts and share them with the world, helping you to make a positive change in the world. 

  • You can be yourself and feel empowered to live the life you want.

We need you thriving to your fullest, now more than ever.

We need your gifts in the world. 

After years of researching and working with HSPs all over the world, I have learned what information and tools help HSPs the most and have compiled them to be all in one place to make it easy for you to get the easiest and quickest benefit. 

I am SO excited to offer you something very special. Blooming Brilliantly, Understanding and Loving Who You Are as a Sensitive Person is my brand new online course I created especially for you!

Highly Sensitive People are like Orchids, with the right care we can bloom brilliantly in the world!  You have so many wonderful gifts to offer and this world needs you to bloom brilliantly and use your gifts to your fullest potential. 

You can learn how to understand and balance your sensitive nervous system, preserve and protect your energy, clear negative energy, set boundaries without guilt, advocate for your needs, and improve all your relationships. 

You can develop self-acceptance and grow more self-esteem, self-worth, and self-love. 

Learning how to live in balance and fully love and accept yourself as an HSP is truly life-transforming and improves every aspect of your life.  Blooming Brilliantly, Understanding and Loving Who You Are as a Sensitive Person has been created specifically for how HSPs experience the world and gives you everything you need to be your best self in the world. 

Blooming Brilliantly Course Reviews

“I have had the joy and fortune of both working with Julie and benefitting personally from her gifts and abilities. When I learn, interact, and work with Julie I can feel the dedication she has to her work, a dedication born from such unrelenting commitment to her own awakening and personal alignment. It is this combination of gifts and persistence that makes her courses essential to consume. My recommendation is to give yourself the gift of benefitting from Julie’s journey, skills, and expertise. Follow her guidance and dive into this content. You will be so relieved you did.”— WILLOW MCINTOSH, FOUNDER OF INLUMINANCE & LEADER OF THE HIGH SENSORY INTELLIGENCE MOVEMENT

“‘Blooming Brilliantly’ is a welcoming and resourceful e-course for those who identify as being Highly Sensitive. Julie is passionate about facilitating opportunities for those with Sensory Processing Sensitivity to become more empowered and to love their sensitivity and this self-paced course invites you to start that journey. It has easy to read and understand information about the trait, practical and supportive activities that are nurturing and self-caring, video conversations with various health professionals, and access to explore Julie’s online ‘Sensitive Empowerment’ Community.”— HAZEL COLLINS, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA

“Taking this course has been life-changing for me as an HSP. The course has all the tools and information I need to better manage my emotional and physical overwhelm I have felt all my life. I can now understand the HSP personality trait and embrace who I am, accept and love myself and treat myself with self-compassion. Thank you Julie for changing my life!”— CATHY CAMERON, ONTARIO, CANADA

One of the biggest reasons why I am so excited is to see how much HSPs are thriving after taking these courses. I often hear how much they finally love themselves for the first time or how they finally know how to balance their sensitive system so they are discovering beautiful parts of themselves for the first time!  

I also know that once an HSP learns this crucial information and tools to thrive they go out and make the world a better place!  It's just who you are. So my part in changing the world involves getting you thriving so you can do your part to make the world a better place because you will be living life to your fullest too!

I know, without a doubt these courses will improve your life because they have for the HSPs who have already taken them. I'm so confident your life will benefit from them that I offer a money-back guarantee! There is nothing to lose and only a lot to gain. Why wait? Change your life starting today.  

You deserve it and everyone around you benefits when you are living to your fullest potential! 

I'm so excited for you and your new, improved life!

Love and hugs, 


Buy Blooming Brilliantly Course


Save With the Bundle: Buy One Course Get One Free!

Get my new course, Blooming Brilliantly, Understanding and Loving Who You Are as a Sensitive Person AND get my popular course, Brain Training for the Highly Sensitive Person, Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Overwhelming Emotions FREE when you buy both courses today. 

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