What Keeps HSPs Strong and Balanced Right Now
We can learn a lot from each other. The following answers are from a poll I did asking highly sensitive people what they were doing to stay strong and balanced right now. I hope some of these help you get ideas of what can help you be strong and balanced right now and would love to hear from you in the comments below too!
-Going for a walk outside in the middle of the day, so many beautiful butterflies, grounding and practicing being in the moment.
-You and all I have learned from you! 💕 I have so many tools that I didn’t have 18 months ago. Thank you Julie!
-I take a hot bath with lights off and a scented candle, with some nature sounds.
-2 things: dry brushing and oil massage before showering (i don’t remember the Ayurvedic name for this). and the cycles of 7 breaths that I have learned from you, Julie—doing this 3-4 times throughout the day with my eyes closed...quick, easy, calming.
-I have been listening to your HSP meditations.
- I try to walk by the river every day. Today I stopped and gathered my little treasures of dried weeds, branches of little yellow buds and stems of little purple flowers. I love to watch the little blooms open and I hang the dried weed branches on the wall. It helps keep me centered and in touch with the outside world.
- I move/meditate/journal 20ish mins each every day. Especially now, not forcing the length of time but doing what resonates that day.
-Some moments are better than others but I’m thankful for my consistent work schedule to help me keep busy during the week. I’ve been going on walks around the block with my dog & husband and trying to workout in my home.
- I have 1 goal around the house per day (laundry, cleaning a bathroom etc.) This keeps my mind busy. I also get a half hour walk in a day. I make sure I'm getting sleep and eating well. I read and play games. I try to limit my news watching time because that puts me into fight or flight mode.
-I took up slow stitching, doing a small bird every day. I also journal, and at least half an hour of sun on my body daily.
-Focusing on now and what I CAN control. NOT thinking ahead too far. Enjoying smaller things more than usual. The feel of a comfy jumper (its coming into winter here) my cats seeking out sunshine in the house to warm up. Great music. Eating simple, healthy food.
-Going on a daily walk, especially at the sea, so serene. I've been keeping a list of projects big & small that I want to do & get satisfaction from checking them off as accomplished. One of them is artwork & I've just finished a painting I like very much. Tomorrow I'm going to write letters to my penpals in the UK who are in the same situation we're in, I think they'd appreciate it. In the evening I lower the lights & light a candle on the table until we go to bed. I never did that before this but it seems calming & hopeful somehow.
- I have been consistent about doing certain calming practices every day like getting fresh air outside (going for a walk), yoga or some form of movement, and meditating.
-Staying away from the news and social media. No news. Less than one hour per day on social media.
-Random acts of kindness.
-Affirming self-talk. I use this to prevent all or nothing thinking and to observe my surroundings without absorbing everything.
-Transcendental Meditation!
-Meditation and yoga!
-Time at the beach. Meditating.
-Nature! Hiking outdoors and soaking up the beautiful nature all around me
-Pranic healing.
-Lifting heavy weights.
-Walking through a beautiful garden yesterday and noticing everything right down to the little tadpoles in the pond.
-Balance work and relaxing.
-I am close to nature. The sea around the corner
-Dogs next to me, music, candles.
If you want tools that teach you how to balance your sensitive nervous system quickly and can boost your inner strength and resiliency, my course, Brain Training for the Highly Sensitive Person, Techniques to Reduce Anxiety and Overwhelming Emotions is on sale now!
Feeling overwhelmed? Glimmers—small moments of joy, peace, or connection—can help regulate your nervous system and bring light to dark times. In this blog, Julie Bjelland, LMFT, shares how sensitive and neurodivergent individuals can train their brains to notice these moments, ease emotional overwhelm, and build resilience.