HSP Meditations
Meditations created especially for highly sensitive people, created by an HSP Psychotherapist and global leader in the field of sensitivity.
“Meditation helps strengthen the “muscle” that helps us move away from emotional reaction and into the ability to pause, reflect, and respond which helps us in every aspect of our personal and professional life as HSPs. ”
Meditation for Intense Feelings
"I listened to this yesterday and it was very helpful in normalizing my experience. I am now experimenting with starting my one hour of down time after work with one of your guided meditations. The length of the meditations is good in that I have plenty of time left in the hour to rest, reflect, watch TV, or whatever I need on any particular day. My husband has shared that I emerge from the hour in a much better emotional space than I'm usually in right after work, and I think the guided meditations are an important part of that."
"Such a beautiful meditation. I listened to it this morning and it’s very soothing-exactly what my system needed to come back into center and alignment. Thank you ❤️🙏🏻"
Forest Bathing Meditation
“I felt like I was there walking through the forest with you! I could almost smell the pine needles and hear them crunching under my feet, see the sunlight coming through the trees... it was wonderful.”
"I live in a city and crave access to nature, and when I listened to the forest meditation I could feel the crunch beneath my feet and see the sunlight coming through the tops of the trees."
"I did the Forest Bathing meditation today and it was wonderfully relaxing. Thank you, Julie!"
"I just made the connection in the Forest Bathing meditation, which was beautifully relaxing, Julie, thank you so much—-one of the first things I bought myself when I got a yard, was a hammock. The meditation made me realize how a hammock cradles and supports and soothes the occupant. 💕. Made me wonder how dreamy it would be/feel to have a weighted blanket on top."
More HSP Meditations
“Julie, I think that is why your meditations are so powerful. We trust you and know your tools work.”
Episode 69: Ocean Time Meditation
Enjoy your trip to the ocean with me taking in all the wonderful sensory experiences in this meditation.
Episode 65: Meditation for Deep Feelers
Being a deep feeler in the world can sometimes be difficult when we have intensely strong emotions. I hope this meditation supports you and calms you.
Episode 62: Meditation for Emotional Wounding
Emotional wounding needs care just as much as physical wounding does, especially for highly sensitive people who can feel things so deeply. This emotional healing meditation will help you to become more relaxed and at peace.
Episode 53: Meditation for Exhaustion or Irritability
Whenever you feel depleted or irritable you may enjoy listening to this guided meditation. I encourage you to save this meditation and come back to it whenever you need it.
Episode 51: Guiding You Into Sleep
Sleep is so essential for our well being. This is a great episode to listen to right before sleep. I guide you into relaxation and then you drift off to sleep to music in the end.
Episode 50: Deep Sleep Meditation
This is a 15-minute visualization meditation to do before you sleep.
Episode 43: 10 Minute Relaxation Meditation
Give yourself this gift and allow yourself to relax your body, mind, and spirit right now. Take a half-hour for self-care if you can, beginning with this 10-minute meditation, followed by another 20 minutes of your own time to reflect and relax in self-care.
Episode 38: End of Day Relaxation Meditation: Bath and Candles
Imagine taking a bath with candles and listening to this meditation. You can then enjoy a good sleep after this meditation ❤️
Episode 37: Letting Go Meditation: Opening Up a New Path
Meditation to help you let go and open up new energy towards living authentically and consciously choosing your path.
Episode 36: Loving Kindness Meditation to Self and to All
Lovingkindness meditation to help us send loving kindness within and to all.
Episode 23: Body Scan Meditation for the Sensitive
Guided body scan meditations are some of my favorite ways to relax my mind, body, and spirit so I created this one for highly sensitive people (HSPs).
Episode 17: Breathe Awareness Meditation
Enjoy these few moments of relaxation through a breathing awareness meditation for highly sensitive people (HSPs).
Episode 16: Relaxation Meditation by Julie Bjelland
Spending time intentionally relaxing through meditation is a big part of supporting your wellness as a highly sensitive person. Give this gift to yourself.
Episode 15: Relax with the Beautiful Sound of Birds
Episode 10: Self-Esteem Building Relaxation for the Sensitive
Many HSPs benefit from practicing techniques to build self-esteem. Give yourself this gift.
Episode 09: Lovingkindness Meditation for Highly Sensitive People
We can love and be loved at the same level we love ourselves. This meditation helps to grow more self-love, which also helps us experience more love from others
Episode 08: Relaxation & Body Tension Release for the Sensitive
Enjoy the feeling of relaxation and tension release for your beautiful sensitive body.
Episode 07: Meditation for Highly Sensitive People
A 5-minute breathe awareness meditation just for highly sensitive people.
When life feels heavy, negativity can take over. But one simple daily goal—intentionally noticing small moments of beauty, joy, or awe—can train your brain to focus on the positive. This easy practice helps balance emotions, improve mood, and build resilience. Try it for a week and experience the shift!