CBD Oil for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders- What the Research and Experts Say by Rachel Hudson
This is a guest post. **As with everything, it is important to check with your medical professionals before trying any supplements.
Are you tired of trying to sleep without success? Or waking up in the middle of the night and knowing right away that falling back to slumber is a far-fetched idea?
We understand all that, hence the purpose of this post. It aims at looking at CBD oil as a possible insomnia treatment.
This piece focuses on what scientists and experts have to say about CBD oil for insomnia. That's right; there is data to support these claims.
So without any further ado, let's get started.
Healing Insomnia Using CBD Oil
Finding a remedy for insomnia and sleeping disorders requires you to find the root cause. As in any deductive research, first comes a problem, then the possible solutions, then the tests, and finally the results to show how the possible remedies faired.
In this case, the two issues being insomnia and sleeping disorders, have the following root causes:
● Mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.
● The use of specific medication.
● Physical pain caused by inflammation or injury.
● The use of certain substances like caffeine or drugs
● Environmental influences like noise or uncomfortable bedding
The above reasons bring about poor sleeping patterns.
Next, we take a closer look at CBD oil dosage evidence for sleep stating the specific research or review.
What Science Has To Say About CBD Oil for Insomnia
Research on anxiety and CBD oil for insomnia
Feelings of uncertainty characterize anxiety. The brain is often clogged with endless thoughts of worry, resulting in a person not finding sound sleep.
A 2019 review case study placed 72 subjects, 47 of which had anxiety, and 25 had problems staying or falling asleep. This group of patients orally received a 25 mg CBD capsule every day.
By the end of the study, the people with anxiety, 79.2 % of them registered lowered anxiety, and 66.7% of the restless ones had recorded better sleep.
These results indicate that treatment of insomnia due to anxiety had a positive impact on CBD treatment.
Research on pain relief
When looking into the best CBD oil for sleep, pain being the hindering factor, a 2018 review led by the Frontiers in Pharmacology attest that CBD is fundamental in soothing pain. So much so, there was great ease in reducing chronic pain caused by either disease or injury. By looking at the Just Chill CBD oil line of products, CBD can be ingested, vaped, or applied to ease the pain in the afflicted area, and the patient will have no problems falling or staying asleep.
Research on sleep cycle disruption
Earlier, we mentioned that the disruption of your sleep cycle also characterizes insomnia. To show that CBD for insomnia works for this issue, research done in 2014 had a test done on four Parkinson's disease patients who had REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). The findings show that CBD helped significantly reduce symptoms like nightmares and acting out while sleeping.
Another 2017 review had similar results showing that the same treatment is viable to treat RBD.
How Does CBD Work?
The Cannabinoid molecules in a dose interact with the body's endocannabinoid system and bring everything to homeostasis. This state of balance helps bring every system in the human body into normalcy in case anything goes haywire. For instance, for pain relief, CBD prevents the breaking down of anandamide. Anandamide levels then being high in the bloodstream reduce pain and sensitivity.
When such actions are triggered by using CBD, insomnia, and sleeping disorders are nothing to worry you anymore.
Possible Side Effects of CBD Treatment
In any therapy, we have to be realistic as not everyone will react similarly to the treatment. No matter what strength CBD oil one takes, another might have a completely different reaction. And here are some of them:
● Fatigue
● Diarrhea
● Weight changes
● Appetite changes
Other side effects might root from medicine interacting, so contacting a medical practitioner is the best way to go in those cases.
Closing remarks
It is evident that CBD can treat insomnia and sleeping disorders efficiently, although more research is needed. All in all, there are still a few things you must adhere to while considering the use of CBD for insomnia:
Get checked and know when to take CBD oil for sleep. Get the right product, and use the best delivery. Stick to the dose, and you will see some changes.
In truth, it sounds simple, and it is as long as you follow the guidelines, so why not give it a try.
Let's hear your thoughts in the comment section below.
For more tips to sleep better, you may also be interested in the post, How to Sleep Better, by Julie Bjelland
Author’s Bio: Rachel Hudson is a health and lifestyle coach based in California. She writes a weekly column on social media that is read by thousands of avid readers worldwide. Additionally, she consults private clients on balancing their nutrition and exercise plans.
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