HSP Sleep Meditations

Sleep is so essential for our well being. These episodes are great to listen to right before sleep.

Deep Sleep Meditation

From Listeners….

“I tried this last night. It was so good. I fell asleep I think within the first one to two minutes into a deep sleep. Your voice was so soothing, Julie. I will need to listen to the whole thing another time but it sure worked in terms of sleep. Thanks so much for creating this meditation! Much needed as I've been having trouble sleeping the past couple nights. :)”

“Oh my GOODNESS Julie!! I had a very stressful bad evening yesterday... wasn't able to get my brain to sshhh, relax, and be calm. I came across this post and I don't even remember if I made it to the end. Very soothing! I was able to ssshh, relax and calm my brain. Then it felt as if I was able to feel and be in this wonderful place you described, as if I was really there. It was truly amazing, and I am very grateful for your posting, for your knowledge and all that you do for us HSPs. 🤗 You're truly amazing!”

I recommend listening to the following Deep Sleep Meditation while laying down in bed, just before sleep.

This is a 15 minute visualization meditation to do before you sleep. From a listener: "I tried this last night. It was so good. I fell asleep I think within the first one to two minutes into a deep sleep. Your voice was so soothing, Julie.

Here’s another sleep meditation you can try and see which one you prefer and then I recommend coming back to listen anytime you need it.

Guiding you to sleep

Sleep is so essential for our well being. This is a great episode to listen to right before sleep. I guide you into relaxation and then you drift off to sleep to music in the end.

Explore more resources:  www.juliebjelland.com

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