The Importance of Being in an HSP Community
Are you lonely or feel disconnected or misunderstood? Over years of working with, researching, and teaching HSPs, I’ve learned how powerful it is to be together in a safe and supportive space as sensitive deep feelers in the world. HSPs thrive so fully when we are navigating the world together. Come join my Sensitive Empowerment community and be with your peers!
I wanted to offer that space to HSPs all over the world and I’ve been so incredibly happy to see so many HSPs truly thriving in my Sensitive Empowerment community.
In a recent live chat in my Sensitive Empowerment community, my heart was so happy to see comments like this…
Julie B I love how your vision to connect HSPs has truly happened, and how we in the community share so much love and support for each other. 💕
I’m new here. This is my first chat. And I’m in tears. You are all so supportive of one another and I am in awe.❤️
I'm new here too and feel the same way. Welcome!
So glad I discovered you Julie B and this community you've gathered:)
I'm super grateful to have found the training and this community
I'm so thankful for this neighborhood
I finally know that there's nothing wrong with me. And all of you wonderful HSPs are my people!
Thank you Julie for this group. I'm so glad you were inspired to create this community!
Yes, this community keeps me balanced.
This is my first chat but I can already say I feel less alone in the world and yes, definitely calmer
I am so glad I chose to be here. I had a choice between two events. My inner child was like a cheerleader saying Julie B's name over and over again! So I'm here! and so happy!
So nice to be with all of fellow HSP's today! It's my first visit so I wasn't sure what to expect, but you're speaking to my heart and for that I am truly grateful:)
Thank you everyone once again. I feel much better now. On with the day!!!
Thanks for showing up here everyone! Good to interact with my kind of peeps!
I am so proud of my Sensitive Empowerment Community and wanted to share some of the amazing things new members wrote when they were asked…
What do you want to get from this community of peers?
-I want to know that I'm not alone. I want to feel heard and understood and validated. I want to know there are thriving HSPs out there and I want to join them!
-I will love to learn more about the HSP trait and how to better navigate the world with it. While I LOVE my sensitivity, and would not change it for anything in the world, it has also been a source of overwhelm, anxiety, and fatigue for as long as I can remember. Learning new tools, feeling heard and understood and finding ways to thrive will be a blessing <3
-Hello! I am excited to join the HSP community here. I'm hoping to learn from all of you and to support where I can. I'm looking forward to a day where I can show up in the world without being drained before it starts. Such an honor to be with you.
-Encouragement, maybe some comfort in these weird times.
-Support with other HSP's.
-I am hoping to be able to connect to other HSPs. Also, I hope for a place of mutual sharing and learning additional tips, strategies, and techniques to wholeheartedly embody life as an HSP.
-I feel like I am home. The home that is inside me that tells me I am safe and loved. My chosen family who accepts all of me not just the parts that they want to.
-Understanding and a sense of belonging from like-minded people who know and understand the HSP brain.
-How they cope, what helps them grow, and if any are dealing with childhood traumas.
-Support, Validation, Inspiration, Insights
-I'm hoping to receive as well as offer support to other hsps and create new friendships.
-I would love to find out how other HSPs deal with parenting grade-school-aged kids with their own needs as an HSP. I'd also love to have a discussion about how people deal with situations where their legitimate needs clash with what someone else needs from them.
-Like-minded friends
-community- validation, and support
-I would like from this community on how to heal as an HSP, how to truly thrive as an HSP. make HS friendships, find outside HS help in my area like therapists, doctors, etc., learn as much as I can from being an HSP for such a long time and to give back as much as I have received, my compassion, empathy, wisdom and care toward others with this trait. 💝 I believe this will be fruitful and a blessing to all of us. Thank you Julie for offering such a wonderful place where we feel we can truly heal, be safe, and thrive as being HSP. It's like having an HS Life Coach. 🥰 I'll be looking forward to this. Thank you so much!
-It's been wonderful being in Julie's online course and connecting with fellow HSPs. I want to keep the connection going! Plus learn how to embrace this gift that's part of my life.
-Connect with other HSPs, grow my newly developed skills, help other HSPs to feel comfortable with themselves, loved and appreciated
-I would love to meet like-minded HSP's. Took Julies 7-week course enjoyed it greatly so many great tools. I have always been a super-sensitive soul. Looking forward to finding so many more tools to use going forward.
-Connection. As HSPs we all have a deep understanding of each other that no one else has.
-Information that is helpful.
-to learn more about the HSP trait, especially how it plays out in real-time life experience; and to share knowledge and experiences with other HSP's. I'm still assimilating and integrating what I learned in Julie's Shift Network course and curious to see how everything evolves. Thank you for creating this community and offering us this opportunity.
-Sharing of positive wins and practices that are empowering and supportive on a daily basis. Embracing and owning being an HSP.
-To connect with other sensitives.
-I’d love to feel less alone, panicked, and scared.
-I am interested in hearing about and learning from others' experiences. I am also interested in learning more information about this trait, strategies to live well with it, positives and gifts, and other such information. I just learned about it recently and am looking forward to learning more and connecting with others in a confidential space.
-Peers! People who get it, where I don't have to either explain myself or hide, because I hope I will be feeling safe here.
-Support, Love, Connection, Understanding
-To be in a place with only wonderful, artistic, empathetic, understanding, and compassionate HSP are a reward all its own. It's so difficult to find other HSP in this world. And to help and support other HSP and share ideas that we've learned along the way. To find HS friends, to get help when we need it and to learn, learn, learn so we can flourish in this world. My hopes are for all of us to completely benefit and thrive in our lives from just being here together. 😊
-To share with each other, support and uplift one another, being in community together, bring love, joy, harmony, peace, connection to our beloved world, be in a space where we are one.
-I hope to get a sense of belonging with like minded souls.
-Networking and clinical tips for HSTs serving HSPs. And information incorporating HSPs and chronic pain.
-information, support and connection to live my best life
-A supportive environment where I can continue to learn about my trait with others who share it, so that we can all shine and make our unique contribution to the world in whatever way is appropriate for us.
-I want to be in a community of likeminded people, those who understand what is like being highly sensitive. I want to feel more connected and have deep conversations that are hard to come by with non-hsp’s.
-Information and strategies to help me live a better and happier life
-To let the bigger HSP-version of myself be in the world, instead of hiding or being a "victim" of power behavior from non-HSPs. To witness and cheer on other HSPs to be who they want to be :-) Give and receive empowerment from likeminded people.
-I want to widen my support system. I look forward to meeting new people, sharing our journey, and learning from other beautiful HSPs!
-I would like to meet people who understand what life is like for HSP's and can help me better understand myself. I feel alone a lot, not connected to most people, despite feeling all of their energy and emotions. I feel everything around me and I don't know how to turn it off.
-Connection and support with others who are similar to me
-To feel I have "friends". People who understand what I'm talking about. To understand what others say that I'm sure will relate to who I am.
-A better understanding of the HSP and how to cope with daily challenges.
-Insights on how to manage energy
-A safe space with like minded individuals who really understand what it feels like to be an hsp. Tips and tools to cope with overwhelm and emotional overload.
-learn about myself, learn helpful techniques, meet new friends
-I am in need of a community that understands me.
-Support, friendship, knowledge, skills
-Encouragement, kindness, helpful techniques, inspiration, and space to grow. :-)
-Connection with people who understand and embrace my plight
-Validation through shared experiences; opportunities to share what I'm learning and hear what others learn/share. Also the people Julie will bring in, and her insights/experiences. Maybe even brainstorming about things like ways we can advocate for ourselves and other HSPs.
-Just being able to express my thoughts and actions and know that there will be no judgment is great. Also hearing how other HSP's manage sensitivity is comforting. Getting advice from Julie and the guests she will have on. X
-I am looking forward to continuing ongoing learning and practice of self-love and self-care for my highly sensitive Self (body, mind, and spirit), and to be fully present for myself and others to embrace and experience all the joys and challenges of an enlightened HSP life.
-Self care tips, creating better boundaries and increasing self esteem
-To connect and relate with other HSP's
-Basically just a place where I can be reminded I am not a freak or "less than" for having this trait. And that actually, working in the art world, being an HSP is actually a positive thing.
-support from like-minded HSPs, tips on how to thrive and gain more energy in daily life
-Support, sharing ideas and learning from Julie and her guests, from other HSPs who UNDERSTAND.
-I would love to be in community with other sensitive individuals. I hope to learn how to better move through the challenges of being sensitive and ultimately thrive and share this gift with the world
-Looking forward to learning, sharing, supporting & understanding others, connecting with other HSP's and growing & thriving even more than I already am.
-Ideas for managing
-Really want a community who can relate to overwhelm and needing help with central nervous system. Want to be an empowered sensitive being.
-I want to meet the 20% population of HSPs and connect with like minded people afar and near to me as well as learn more skills on how to cope and deal with being an HSP as well as help navigate with having an HSP son.
-Connection, inspiration, and I am curious
-On a personal level, I want to connect with other highly sensitive people and introverts. On a professional level, I work as a wellness coach who specializes in this group. I want to network with others who are striving to help this group embrace their sensitivity and live their best lives.
-A better sense of how to adapt myself and to surround myself with people who understand what I experience. I really want to learn, grow, and accept myself.
-Support, strength, and hope
-Tools & support
-I would like to learn new strategies to help me focus and get inspiration for putting them into practice!
-I would like to learn much, much more about and how to manage the HSP nervous system. Plus the support that follows it.
-support and learning!
-Authentic connection :)
-I would like to learn how to balance my life when allegedly very simple responsibilities drain me of energy.
-Knowledge and support
-advice on how to protect myself from negative energy
-Validation and support Communicate with people who are doing better
-Positive support and advice on living as a Highly sensitive person
-Knowledge - Support and Compassion!
-I would like to know that I’m not the only HSP out there and to encourage and be encouraged by others to be myself and thrive, not just exist.
-Much needed support from overwhelm, depletion and running on empty on all cylinders! Emotionally taxed single mom of a 14 year old addict, in toxic patterns long overdue for an overhaul.
-Support for engagement in the process and encouragement to continue
-Looking for a soft place to land after a faith transition and beginning to engage with the world in a new job and possibly grad school...I know I'm prone to overwhelm and anxiety and having people who understand will be a great support! I want to thrive not just survive! 💕
-How to be empowered.
-I want to learn to control my emotions and not get impacted by others words or actions.
-Good Vibes, Great Energy, and Soul Shifts
-Further knowledge and understanding of HSP's in order to help myself, my children, and the world community.
-Sharing with like-minded people
-Strategies for thriving as a HSP
-Lot of strategies to keep myself calm, happy and self-managed.
-Support, info and fellowship with other HSPs
-To interact with those who are like-minded - seeing the world from a similar perspective. One of my most favorite quotes says: "May I be of service in a way that delights my mind, body and soul....for when I shine - others grow"! I desire the fellowship with others that helps us shine!
-People who get my needs and not feel like the only one!
-guidance and support to reaching a fulfilling, happy, less anxious life!
-Would love to learn tools to help me find energy and creativity in a more natural way. And I'm hoping to discover ways to help my (possibly HSP) daughter navigate adolescence better than I did.
-Support getting through this challenging time as an effective human
-Sharing and connecting with likeminded. Becoming aware of how to better protect myself from anxiety triggered by other people’s emotions such as their anger, frustration and when people talk so fast and in a high level voice that anxiety and panic starts inside me.
-Support, encouragement, and education
-I want to learn how to be self-compassionate, no matter what.
-I would like to learn as much as possible about HSP and especially would like to start enjoying being myself without self-doubt, shame and hesitation. It is about time.
-Support and knowledge about the HSP trait
-Hello, I joined a few weeks ago but yet to post! I joined hoping to find support and a sense of encouragement to keep learning about the trait. I want to learn how to honour my needs more and your resources Julie are helping me do so. Thank you! :)
-I want to know what it is like to be around understanding people. It would be nice to talk about things with others like me.
-increased self acceptance though resonant experiences
-Support and compassion
-To better accept myself and my traits by realizing that there are others like me
-Sense of belonging, ability to share and enlighten and be enlightened, friendship and support!
-Belonging. Yes. That is one of the words that comes up for me often also :)I didn't realize that I needed this until I began to accept what HSP really is. I have found that because of my sense of humor and ability to relate to others I was often ....claimed....but I didn't really fit or feel like I often drained me completely.
-Support and helpful tips for calming oneself during times of stress and also dealing with people who don't understand or tolerate sensitive people.
-Techniques to reduce sensory overload.
-Sense of belonging and a place to share and celebrate each other’s growth
-To meet other people who use strategies that empower themselves!
-Connection with like minded people
Having HSPs in a safe and supportive space is magical. Did you see yourself in much of what was said above? It’s an amazing experience to be in a community of HSP peers. We lift each other up in the world.
It’s a safe space to be to connect to other HSPs, moderated by me, an HSP psychotherapist.
I’m there every day offering support and weekly trainings on how to thrive in the world as an HSP!
When life feels heavy, negativity can take over. But one simple daily goal—intentionally noticing small moments of beauty, joy, or awe—can train your brain to focus on the positive. This easy practice helps balance emotions, improve mood, and build resilience. Try it for a week and experience the shift!