Living Unshackled: How self-awareness, self-compassion, and imperfect action will walk you to greater freedom w/ Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui

As Highly Sensitive People it’s easy to believe we’re bad, broken, or otherwise ill-equipped for this noisy, busy, and messy world. We often feel not quite enough. But as we deepen our roots of self-awareness and self-compassion and learn to take imperfect action toward building a life and world we want to live in, our inner critic grows quieter, we become rooted and resilient, and we realize that as HSP’s we are gifted, needed, and very much on-purpose. 

Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui lives in central Alberta and works as a Joyful Living Educator and writer. As a stubborn questioner, hopeful reformer, and a highly sensitive human in a messy world, her motto is: You're imperfect. Life is messy. Show up anyway. Her mission is to help you figure out how.

Julie Bjelland is a Psychotherapist, host of The HSP Podcast, and Founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community, whose mission is to create a paradigm shift where sensitivity is embraced, valued and honored. Get a free guide to calm your brain, a letter to give your medical and mental health practitioners about high sensitivity and take the Sensitivity Quiz at ❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)

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