Marketing Strategies That Work and Meet Your HSP Needs by Andrea Weber
Guest Post
HSP entrepreneurs often start a business to bring authentic alignment with who they are, what they are passionate about and what they desire to share with the world.
Highly sensitive people have a sense of ‘coming home’ when they make the decision to leave the hectic, overwhelming pace of a demanding job or career that may have left them feeling unsatisfied and burnt out.
Running your own business also brings the opportunity for flexibility and financial freedoms that a nine to five job simply won’t create.
Sounds amazing, yet the reality is that so many HSP business owners often find themselves drained and disillusioned trying to keep up with the challenges of day-to-day operations such as online tech and visibility, marketing, packaging services, managing expenses etc.
Then there’s the isolation of being on your own. Where do you go for ideas and feedback? Who do you turn to for support? What if the people around you don’t understand your needs as a highly sensitive person and do things very differently?
These are all valid questions and challenges that face HSP entrepreneurs on a daily basis.
Conventional marketing techniques based on hustle, fear and distraction don’t sit well with HSPs. We don’t want relationships with clients based around these tactics. They may be proven methods to increase sales but they often fail to bring in the lasting change we’re seeking to create.
‘Loud’ marketing strategies don’t work for HSPs but we still have to attract ideal clients and build on our offerings, sales and income.
As the Business Group Co-ordinator for the Sensitive Empowerment Community (SEC), it’s part of my job to make sure that members have access to achieving these things in their business. It’s satisfying work that I absolutely love, especially when I can see the difference that our resources and offerings are making.
Towards the end of 2022, it was determined that marketing posed one of the greatest challenges for business members who were looking for the following:
Alternative ways of connecting with their target audience - connecting in meaningful ways without lots of interaction
Getting away from all the 'noise' of traditional marketing techniques and bringing simplification into our work
How to package and offer services
Content creation and SEO
How to position our business and create structure around this
Creativity and experimenting
How to apply what works in a way that works for HSPs in business
Our Business Group Events for 2023 have been structured around these topics and we’ve invited Special Guests as well as members with expertise in these fields.
Special Guest interviews include:
‘Quiet Marketing’ expert, Dani Gardner
Squarespace and Calm Business Educator, Kerstin Martin
“Marketing Like We’re Human” expert, Sarah Santacroce
Authentic Business and Marketing Coach, George Kao
Our Book Club Meets also provide the opportunity to review publications from these speakers so members gain holistic learning for practical application in their business.
We have such an incredibly supportive and encouraging network of highly sensitive business owners who share feedback, support, ideas and suggestions, resources and referrals.
Inside the Business Group, members have access to the following:
Reading and contributing to articles on relevant topics
Requesting feedback and collaboration for website design, services creation, coaching, writing and resource development
Finding solutions for day-to-day challenges
Attending live events exclusive to the Business Group including special guest interviews, book club meets, regular meetings and virtual co-working hours.
Watching replays of events in our library
Finding inspiration, motivation and encouragement
After 3 months of consecutive membership, there is also access to:
Being listed on our global HSP Directories
Writing for the HSP Blog
Hosting an event or being interviewed
Having these posts and events featured in Julie’s weekly newsletter
These are all wonderful opportunities to become known and build your business income through adding Bio, business links and Julie Bjelland affiliate links (in guest HSP Blog contributions).
All these amazing benefits come at a very affordable $10 additional fee to our regular SEC monthly membership so we’re very happy to offer this to HSPs striving to do their best in business and needing some help along the way.
If you are a HSP in business or thinking about where to start, our Business Group Membership will give you the tools and resources you need. When you join the Sensitive Empowerment Community, you are able to sign up for the additional Business Group Membership.
You may also like to check out some of the other resources available to help HSPs in business:
Free Masterclass – Growing a Heart-Centered Online Business
Online Course – Grow Your Heart-Centered Business including 8 weeks free membership to both the online community and Business Group
Sign up for the Business Group when you join the Community. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Andrea Weber is the founder of Expansive Happiness®, an inspirational site designed to help those with environmental sensitivities lead happy and fulfilling lives through constructive sensitivity management. On the website, you can find many more resources, sign up for regular communications, take the free Environmental Sensitivity Quiz and enrol in the Self-Empowered Sensitivity Management Program.
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