Popular HSP Meditations

Enjoy this compilation of episodes from The HSP Podcast. I recommend bookmarking this page so you can come back and listen to all. You may also like to share this to help other HSPs. 

Meditation for Exhaustion or Irritability

Whenever you feel depleted or irritable you may enjoy listening to this guided meditation. I encourage you to save this meditation and come back to it whenever you need it.

Seeking Peace: A Meditation for the Busy Mind

It's common for highly sensitive people to have a busy mind and have a hard time turning it off to relax. I hope this meditation helps you relax and find peace as you visualize a beautiful stream in the forest during this meditation.

Meditation for Intense Feelings

As highly sensitive people sometimes life can be very challenging when we have intensely difficult feelings. I hope this meditation supports you through hard moments. From a listener... "I listened to this yesterday and it was very helpful in normalizing my experience.

Meditation for Deep Feelers

Being a deep feeler in the world can sometimes be difficult when we have intensely strong emotions. I hope this meditation supports you and calms you.

Meditation for Emotional Wounding

Emotional wounding needs care just as much as physical wounding does, especially for highly sensitive people who can feel things so deeply. This emotional healing meditation will help you to become more relaxed and at peace.

Sleep Meditation Listening to Water in a Stream

I discovered a beautiful stream on a hike and created a meditation with the sounds of the steam and birds in the distance so you can have a beautiful sensory experience listening and imagining you are there next to this stream as you drift off to sleep peacefully ❤️ Enjoy and let me know if it helped you sleep!

Forest Bathing Meditation

Enjoy time in the forest connecting to nature and relaxing. From Listeners... "I felt like I was there walking through the forest with you! I could almost smell the pine needles and hear them crunching under my feet, see the sunlight coming through the trees... it was wonderful."

Ocean Time Meditation

Enjoy your trip to the ocean with me taking in all the wonderful sensory experiences in this meditation.

10 Minute Relaxation Meditation

Give yourself this gift and allow yourself to relax your body, mind and spirit right now. Take a half hour for self-care if you can, beginning with this 10-minute meditation, followed by another 20 minutes of your own time to reflect and relax in self-care.

End of Day Relaxation Meditation: Bath and Candles

Enjoy a good sleep after this meditation ❤️

Letting Go Meditation: Opening up a new path

Meditation to help you let go and open up new energy towards living authentically and consciously choosing your path.

Body Scan Meditation for the Sensitive

Enjoy, please share and find more resources at www.SensitiveConnection.com

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