Aha Moments Since Joining the Sensitive Empowerment Community
It is SO powerful and life-changing to be together as HSPs. I am so proud of my online Sensitive Empowerment Community and recently I asked members to share what they have learned since being in the community and their aha moments are so beautiful!!
Aha Moments Members Shared Since Joining the Sensitive Empowerment Community
“Learning that rest = strength❤️”
“Oh my gosh, I've had so many aha moments since joining this warm and caring community. I think the biggest one for me has been to finally understand why I've felt the way I have throughout my life. Learning about this trait and seeing how many others have it too has been such a gift and a revelation. The pieces to my puzzle have finally come together and now make so much sense! Thank you, Julie and this big-hearted community of sensitive souls for helping to make that happen:) “
“An early aha moment for me was Julie’s instruction in the Brain Training Course, to ask myself what I needed, not just once a day but throughout the day. This rotated my brain. No one had ever “given me” permission to ask myself this, and the effects were immediate. Another was learning that self-care was something to do to prevent overwhelm. Before joining this community, self-care was something I did only when I was overwhelmed, not as a thoughtful way to live each day as I do now. I have been basking in the warmth and support of this community for the past year. Thank you, Julie, and everyone. ❤️”
So many good things have come out of me joining this community. I never really thought about self-care before. I used to think you always had to be busy & to just sit doing nothing was doing nothing. Now I see it that doing nothing is doing something and what a wonderful concept is that! Also being able to tell someone I'll have to get back to you or just not replying right away is so freeing. Asking myself what do I need is something I've never done before either. I accept myself & my flaws so much better now. I can be alone & it's okay. I feel much more confident than I ever have & I believe in myself. I'm so thankful to you Julie for putting this neighborhood together. I feel like I finally belong somewhere. I'm so grateful to have a "group" that I know I'm accepted for who I am.”
“Understanding why I feel so good when I'm on my own and losing any guilt about it would be something really big for me since joining the community. Understanding that this is a complete necessity for HSPs. Also recognizing that I am actually HSP, has really opened up a whole new world of acceptance and empowerment for me.”
“Understanding the power of being in the community as an HSP. After many years of feeling odd and out of place, I finally took the plunge and decided to consciously put myself in a place where I could be surrounded by other people like myself. I noticed that simply being around healthy HSPs has been so healing. I see myself in other more experienced HSPs who mirror to me what my life can be like, filled with potential, exciting creative ventures, and gentle fun. I stopped apologizing for being myself and for needing time to recharge. Also, validating my emotions instead of judging them and more importantly being curious about what they are trying to tell me.“
“A big AHA is that self-care has to be the right kind for me and be enough for me. It just isn’t enough if it’s less than that and I am not comparing as much to what “should be” enough. Another aha moment is that I can appreciate and honor myself and my needs better.”
“It was a big realization for me to hear on the Honoring Authenticity and Diversity podcast episode about how many of us develop the strategy of hiding early in life, especially if we were raised in chaotic households because we think “I’m just going to do everything right and hide so I don’t make things any worse.
When life feels heavy, negativity can take over. But one simple daily goal—intentionally noticing small moments of beauty, joy, or awe—can train your brain to focus on the positive. This easy practice helps balance emotions, improve mood, and build resilience. Try it for a week and experience the shift!