Become a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher

Dear friends,

We're excited to help you learn how to bring the fruits of mindfulness to bear in your life and in the lives of those around you—and you can do so by applying for the 2021-22 Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program

With successful completion of this teacher training program, you will receive a certificate from the Awareness Training Institute, and the Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. This credential will support you in establishing meditation classes, workshops, and trainings in communities, organizations, and institutions throughout the world.

Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach have created this program as primarily an online learning experience so that you can participate from anywhere in the world. (If you can't attend the live trainings in person, they will be live-streaming the session and also making a replay available.) 

This certification program through the Awareness Training Institute has been in the making for over 30 years. By joining us to become a certified meditation teacher, you will:

  • Learn how to teach meditation with tools for body, heart, mind, and community

  • Study with featured guest teachers including Eckhart Tolle, Kristin Neff, Dan Siegel, and many others

  • Receive professional mentoring (individual and group) offered throughout the two-year training by an international group of highly respected meditation teachers—including two live three-day weekend workshops

  • Gain skills that apply mindfulness and self-compassion to relationships, conflict, trauma, organizational wisdom, and societal change

  • Grow and deepen your spiritual path


By doing your own meditation work and then by helping others do the same, you will be making a significant contribution to the evolution of your own being as well as helping shift the consciousness of humanity to a wiser and more compassionate level.

We encourage you to submit your application today to secure your spot in the training.

With Love,


Julie BjellandComment