Join Thich Nhat Hanh for Body and Mind Are One Free Video

Hello friends,

According to Thich Nhat Hanh: 

In order to love, you have to be here. 

And in order to be here, you have to bring your mind home to your body.

If you're spending more time in proximity with your family or housemates—or needing to support loved ones by phone or video—these words are truer than ever.

In this free teaching, Thay (as he is called by his students) shares the story of an 11-year-old boy whose father is a wealthy businessman with good intentions. For his son's birthday, the man offers to give him anything he wants. 

From there, we see how powerful the offering of our full awareness can be—a gift that costs us nothing.

In the telling, we also learn how mindfulness, interdependence, and lovingkindness work together to uplift all of our relationships.

Don't miss the concluding practice, a simple way to reconnect with those you love.

Click here to watch the teaching:

With gratitude,


Julie BjellandComment