How HSPs Stay Resilient & Healthy During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Dear Beautiful HSPs,
My goal is to help you access your strength and resiliency so you can stay healthy and as balanced as possible during this unprecedented time. I've observed a pattern in highly sensitive people that are staying strong and resilient during this crisis and want to share these tips to support you. You can watch the video or listen to the podcast below.
Love, Julie
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This is the program that can teach you the resiliency skills I discuss
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To stay healthy and strong I recommend the following daily if possible:
A commitment to growth work.
Physical movement you enjoy.
Minimum of 20 minutes of meditation. I’ve compiled some of my meditations for highly sensitive people here
Journaling and gratitude practice.
Intentionally fill up your positivity tank.
Sun time and fresh air.
Prioritize good sleep.
Connection. Staying connected to people who make you feel good through writing, phone or video is also helpful. I highly recommend limiting social media, which can contribute to overload and anxiety and instead spend time in supportive online communities, such as my Sensitive Empowerment community. I’m there every day, offering support and we have weekly live supportive trainings and events. It’s such a kind, caring and empowering community of highly sensitive people.
Eat and drink well. Savor your food.
Focus on some sensory pleasures several times a day.
HSP Resiliency Outline
Practice Self-Compassion: Every HSP I have talked to all over the world who has been practicing this self-compassion practice has named this to be one of the main reasons they are staying resilient right now.
Resilience: HSPs actually have a lot of it and sometimes just need to learn a few tools to access it.
Creativity: Activating the creative centers in your brain has a calming effect on the brain! Get creative!
Practice healthy boundaries and limit exposure to the news: It is recommended to limit how much news you take in and only to read enough to stay informed, but not watch it visually. It’s been found that visually watching it increases the feeling of fear and panic. Avoid watching it and instead read only to gain what you need to stay informed, but don’t dive deeply into an overwhelmed feeling from it. Also, limit or avoid people who are toxic or emitting too much negativity right now. You need to take care of your wellness as a priority at this time. Watch me talk more about creating healthy boundaries here.
Present focus: Whenever fear or anxiety creep in, focus on what you do have right now and what you are grateful for and that will activate calming centers in your brain. You can learn more about how to activate calming centers that deactivate stress centers here.
Grounded: Having a grounding process right now would be incredibly helpful to calm your whole system. I find that water, plants and pets can feel very grounding.
Daily task list-stay productive: Setting small goals for yourself that make you feel good seems to be especially helpful for HSPs.
Routine self-care: Taking time to honor yourself with the right type of self care for you is essential. If you don’t know what that is or you need ideas you will find my brain training program helpful.
Self-soothing: I’ve created some meditations and relaxation techniques for HSPs that you might feel calming.
Monitor personal energy: Don’t give all your energy points away to everyone and leave none for yourself. Taking care of yourself mind, body and spirit is important right now. If you are balanced, then everyone around you is too and your immune system stays the strongest.
When life feels heavy, negativity can take over. But one simple daily goal—intentionally noticing small moments of beauty, joy, or awe—can train your brain to focus on the positive. This easy practice helps balance emotions, improve mood, and build resilience. Try it for a week and experience the shift!