How to Reveal Your Innate Expertise as an HSP

Guest Article by Willow McIntosh

One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves, as High Sensory People, is a shift into meaning and belonging. 

We have been blessed with so much, yet so many of us feel misunderstood. 

Labeled as being too sensitive and not recognised for our abilities. 

Contending with a world that is fast moving, loud and overwhelming. 

Work in jobs that don’t align with our values, wrestling with a calling to be self employed without a sense of trust in ourselves. 

When we focus on the challenges of the trait, life gets pretty hard. 

The truth is, we have not been cursed with a more sensitive nervous system out of some perverse game nature is playing with us. 

Yet we are also not supposed to be fitting in from a conventional perspective either. 

Our perspective plays an incredibly important role. 

A perspective that the other 100 species of animals who have the trait, figured out a long time ago.

As humans, how are we supposed to focus on the conversation at hand when we are in a shopping mall having coffee with a cacophony of sensory chaos happening all around us? 

Why give 20% of the population this physiological difference? 

Nature seems to know what she’s doing and doesn’t tend to create things in animals and humans without good reason. 

As so many experts on the trait, are all appearing to conclude, it has a purpose

Including Dr Elaine Aron when she said; 

“You were born to be among the advisors and thinkers, the spiritual and moral leaders for your society. There is every reason for pride.” 

So many of the conversations I have with High Sensory leaders refer to us as the guardians of the inner world and the royal advisors. 

High Sensory animals identify and communicate locations of safe territory, nourishing resources and provide exceptional leadership. 

What is it about the trait that makes this possible and how can we learn and monopolise on this as humans? 

The trait is essentially an ability to process sensory information more deeply.

Which means we are receiving more sensory input about the world around us at a deeper level. 

It’s not there simply to wind us up in busy shopping malls. 

It is there to allow us to see, feel, sense and perceive more information so we can share and communicate it. 

This is what makes us the advisors, the thinkers and the leaders, and we have a moral obligation to share what we experience for the benefit of the world around us. 

This is where our sense of meaning, purpose and belonging resides. 

We are not supposed to be perceiving and observing at a deeper level for the sake of it, nature has given us this ability for a reason. 

A reason that can be used in a very wide manner of circumstances. 

To bring new perspective to any and all areas of life, business, community, family, relationships and leadership. 

So what’s the problem? 

Why are so many of us in depression in the West? 

Why are we not sharing our perspective, recognising our value and claiming our place in the world?

This is the question I am asked so often by the High Sensory People I train. 

From my findings and from my own experience, there are two reasons. 

Firstly we tend to assume everyone else can see and feel what we do. 

So we don’t see the value and we don’t speak up. 

As it was aptly said in the animated movie ‘The Incredibles’; “When everyone has super powers, no one does.” 

(Yes, that is paraphrased a little, but I expect you get what I mean :) 

The second reason is, that we did not get the training we needed during early development to recognise the importance of our High Sensory abilities. 

They sit below the surface like an unused muscle, just out of conscious reach, gathering dust. 

So from our point of view we are only aware of the challenges and the overwhelm without any of the benefits. 

This is not how it needs to be or how it should be. 

So what can we do about it?

This is what I would like to share with you. 

A opportunity that has come as a result of over 2000 hours of interviews and facilitations with High Sensory People. 

A tried and tested process that brings us back into conscious ownership with our natural abilities. 

A method that has now enjoyed tremendous success as a training program and is now available to you take as a self guided course. 

Nearly every single High Sensory Person I have had the privilege to work with over the years talks of a calling to coach, facilitate, heal, teach or consult. 

It is a tremendously high percentage and there is a very good reason for that. 

We are built for it and we are naturally gifted at it. 

In every case during my research, there is an innate ability to read people deeply. 

It is a fascination about human development for the improvement of the world in one way or another. 

Sure we all have differing areas of interest or focus, but it always points to promoting growth, development and change in the world.

Our natural ability is enhanced with high levels of empathy and intuition. 

We pick up on micro expressions in others and see the bigger picture. 

We see what is behind what someone is telling us and and we sense what they are not telling us. 

We can quite literally sense the truth of who they are. My invitation is to look for evidence of these abilities in yourself. 

Notice what happens when you tune into a conversation with a like minded person about the area of life that interests you most. 

You too can begin to reveal your innate area of expertise as a High Sensory Person. 

An expertise you can be utilised in many ways. 

To become a coach, to speak, to teach or present. 

Perhaps to write a book or a methodology. 

It may be the very next awareness and insight that we need to raise conscious awareness on a global scale. 

It is time for each of us to let go of the doubt and embrace this incredible gift we have been given.

To find out all the information, and how you can start today, click the button below.

Willow McIntosh is the founder of Inluminance and leader of the High Sensory Intelligence movement. Unique circumstances during Willow’s childhood lead to the burying of his authentic self and complete misalignment to the work he was destined for. He began to carve his own path into understanding how people with sensory processing sensitivity can learn to use their genetic traits to their advantage. As an adult this lead to a lifelong enquiry and practise into learning powerful energetic alignment techniques to re-engage with the authentic self. Willow believes that all people with the trait have the ability to tap into a unique skill that draws on a deeper sensory perception. Founded in their own life experience and self development they have the capacity to facilitate great transformation and development in others. Willow is on a mission to awaken us to the responsibility we have to utilise the abilities it affords in business, governments and leadership. Having successfully facilitated the development of seven figure businesses Willow’s practise has taken him all over the world. Speaking internationally, training in a broad range of fields and facilitating others for more than twenty years. Willow now specialises in facilitating people with the trait to activate them into service in alignment with their gifts and purpose and to support them to take their own businesses to the next level towards automation and leadership.