If You Could Give a Piece of Advice to Your Younger Sensitive Self, What Would It Be?
It’s a powerful and beautiful experience to think about what we would tell our younger sensitive selves. I would love to hear what you would tell your younger self. I believe telling our inner child these positive, loving words can be very healing too. I was so moved by these responses in my Sensitive Empowerment Community and wanted to share them with you…
You are a beautiful gift to life. Celebrate your being every day.
You should ask for more help! You don't have to do everything by yourself or be responsible for everyone else; many people out there want to support you.
There is no right or wrong way to live life. You decide your own way.
Don't ignore your heart. Just because everyone is complimenting your head (logical thinking) doesn't mean you can't also listen to your heart. They can work hand in hand
You were always on the exact right path, even if it may have meandered and had its own timeline. There's no place to get to. It's truly a journey to be enjoyed. I'll quote psychotherapist Paula Prober: "You are scuba diving through life while others are simply water skiing." (I love this!)
Meditate, live in the present =)
Believe in yourself. There's no wrong decision.
Your instincts are right. Trust them. Don’t brush them off. Don’t let societal expectations or other people’s opinions sway you the other way or make you question yourself. Dig deeper to fully understand the situation. Follow your intuition.
Mistakes are part of being human and part of the growth and maturity processes. Nothing to be ashamed of, to feel much guilt about, just events to learn from.
Don't be afraid to be who you really are. Only you are in the driver's seat of your own life's journey. Don't hide, don't be ashamed. Let your light shine, and shout to the world that you are here and matter.
It's ok to leave things the way they are :) :)
Be yourself, and mistakes are part of learning! You are beautiful, just as you are!
There is positivity in everything; finding positivity brings strength and growth, and it helps you find your way.
You deserve love, you deserve kindness, you deserve respect, you deserve to be heard, be brave. You are enough just as you are, and your dreams are not silly. Reach out to somebody in a position of authority that can help guide you where you need to go to realize these things.
Don’t have such enormously high expectations of yourself. You are a beautiful person, just the way you are! Try to embrace who you are right now! Nothing needs to be achieved.
The only opinion about you that matters is your own. Don't adapt so much to others if they're not willing to do the same for you.
I see a beautiful person with much to offer, and it helps me to love myself all the more.
Extend yourself socially, and allow more people into your life - even if it feels unfamiliar at first
There is one expert that knows you better than anyone else - you - so listen to yourself and trust that, more often than not, you know what’s best for you.
Do not push yourself too hard regarding work. Listen to the signals of your body when relaxation is needed and have time off so you can keep up your health.
I would say, "You have a heart - listen to it - be brave."
Don’t dim down my emotions with logic. Just keep that fine balance between head and heart!
Trust your intuition, and it is worthwhile finding people who get you. You will live at a higher level of happiness when you can be the real authentic you around people who love you and totally get you.
Listen to yourself first and foremost. Others that advise you are often coming from a good place (some not so much!), but they aren’t you. You know what you need. Follow what lights you up even if others don’t understand it or it’s not the most conventional path. Resting and alone time is not lazy, and you and your needs are equally as important as everyone else.
It's going to be OK. No matter how difficult it gets, it's not a permanent state. There will be highs and lows, but you will endure. Love yourself as much as you love your best friend.
These are so beautiful and moving! Would love to hear from you in the comments!
Which ones felt good for you to read?
Which ones would you like to say lovingly to your inner child?
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Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is an HSP psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, the author of The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person, and founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community. Her HSP Podcast ranks among the top 5% of the most shared and followed podcasts worldwide. Julie’s webinars. resources, online courses, and blog have helped millions of HSPs reduce the challenges of living with sensitivity in an overstimulating world. Her greatest joy is helping sensitive people discover their significant value and seeing them share their much-needed gifts with the world. Julie loves connecting in her community and warmly invites you to join this positive, inclusive, sensitive family. Explore her resources and learn how her brain training program reduces anxiety within the first two weeks at JulieBjelland.com❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)
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