It's OK if You Aren't OK Sometimes
It's OK if you aren't OK sometimes, but learn to support yourself when you aren’t OK. I can’t even imagine going through the pandemic without my tools. I know some of you don’t have enough tools and some have tools but they aren’t enough. There’s a lot going on in the world and everyone is impacted. Not only that, but you are impacted by the collective energy.
Almost everyone is experiencing challenges including overwhelm, high stress, sleep issues, sadness, lack of energy, difficulty focusing, brain fog, difficulty with being productive, missing friends and family, missing physical contact like hugs, feelings of isolation, and lots more! You are not alone if you are experiencing any of these. It’s not a “normal” time so we likely won’t be feeling “normal.”
Some things that help me that might help you.
Being kind, compassionate and gentle with yourself is a priority. Try these self-compassion techniques.
Reducing expectations. There’s a lot going on, so give yourself a break.
Take breaks from reading or watching the news.
Listen to these free HSP Meditations. There are even some for emotional wounding and intense feelings.
Spend time in nature every day. I love noticing the beauty of nature all around us.
Try taking some walks or exercising. It releases feel good chemicals. Here’s a free yoga class for HSPs
Download my free guide that teaches you calming techniques
Focusing on little moments of joy around us. I enjoy feeding the birds in my patio, spending time with my pets, and sitting in the sun and watching the sky.
Prioritize your sleep. It’s one of the most important parts of your wellness. Here’s a guide to help you sleep better.
Train your brain to adjust to life-changes. Learn more about that here.
Read what other HSPs are doing to stay strong.
Train your brain to be calm and resilient. Learn how here.
What have you been doing that is helping you right now? I love hearing from you in the comments below!
I have been creating resources to help too.
I hope you have been listening to The HSP Podcast because we’ve been helping a lot of HSPs get the right tools.
The HSP blog is filled with tips, tools and resources.
My Sensitive Empowerment Community is an amazing space to spend time in because it’s validating and we are stronger together. Plus we do weekly empowerment events! ❤️
My HSP Courses are created to help reduce the challenges of having a sensitive nervous system and help you access your inner resources.
My Book, The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person, How to Harness Your Sensitivity into Strength in a Chaotic World might help right now too.
If you are struggling a lot I recommend exploring my HSP Practitioners Directory for some one-on-one support.
You are not alone and together we will get through this.
Sending out love, light, and hugs 🤗 ❤️
Feeling overwhelmed? Glimmers—small moments of joy, peace, or connection—can help regulate your nervous system and bring light to dark times. In this blog, Julie Bjelland, LMFT, shares how sensitive and neurodivergent individuals can train their brains to notice these moments, ease emotional overwhelm, and build resilience.