Pelvic Health with Ann Udofia, PT, DPT

I've been learning a lot about pelvic health that I wish I had known about years ago so it's feeling like a mission I want to share with you that I know will transform your life.  I also think it's possible that HSPs might benefit a lot from trying options like pelvic floor physical therapy before considering medications and surgery.

Pelvic health needs to be talked about more. Did you know there are pelvic health specialists that can help with so many pelvic issues such as chronic pain, sexual health, trauma, incontinence, constipation, postpartum, menopausal, and more! I think it's possible that HSPs might benefit a lot from trying options like pelvic floor physical therapy before considering medications and surgery. In this post, you will earn about the range of issues pelvic floor health can support, such as the holistic options Ann Udofia, PT, DPT, an award-winning practitioner shares that might transform your health.

The information shared is from the website of Ann Udofia, PT, DPT, who I recently met and was blown away by her knowledge. Ann specializes in pelvic health PT (for all genders) with a strong area of interest in women’s and prenatal/ postpartum health.  

She has so much deep knowledge, care, and nurturing energy.  Here's her website and below I've shared examples of what she offers. She even does Telehealth!

I think this kind of information needs to be talked about more. Look at all the things pelvic PT supports:

Female Pelvic Health Common Conditions

  • Vulvodynia/Vestibulodynia

  • Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome

  • Pudendal Neuralgia

  • Endometriosis

  • Urgency/ Frequent Urination

  • Urinary/ Fecal Incontinence

  • Abdominal pain syndrome

  • Chronic Pelvic Pain (women)

  • Constipation

  • Coccyx pain

  • Vaginissmus

  • Clitoral pain

  • Sacral pain

  • Anal/rectal pain

  • Pain with sex

  • Fertility problems due to scar tissue

  • Post surgical care for any pelvic or abdominal surgery

  • Anorgasmia

  • Recurrent UTI’s

  • Urinary

  • Stool Elimination

  • After birth healing

  • Sexual issues

  • Vaginal health

  • Menopausal support

Gender Inclusive Common Conditions

  • Tissue preparation Pre-Gender affirming surgery

  • Post- Gender Affirming surgery rehabilitation

  • Pelvic pain

  • Difficulty using/ progressing dilators

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Voiding dysfunction

  • Scar pain

  • Pain with intercourse

  • Urinary dysfunction

  • Dyspareunia (pain with intercourse)

  • Recurrent urinary tract infections

  • Decreased sexual response

  • Vaginoplasty

Male Pelvic Health Common Conditions

  • Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome/male pelvic pain

  • Nonbacterial chronic prostatitis

  • Urgency/ Frequent Urination

  • Urinary/ Fecal Incontinence

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Abdominal pain syndrome

  • Constipation

  • Erectile Dysfunction

  • Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome

  • Pudendal Neuralgia

  • Coccyx pain

  • Penile/ Testicular pain

  • Penile pain

  • Anal/ rectal pain

  • Post-ejaculatory pain

  • Post prostatectomy pain

I think this is a life-changing kind of support that needs to be talked about more! 

I suffered from prolapse many years ago and didn't even know about all these options and went directly to surgery, which turned out to create so many problems for me with multiple surgeries.  I have this deep desire to prevent that for other women.  

I also know that many women suffer from postpartum pain and issues, sexual pain, elimination issues, menopausal issues, incontinence, and want to spread awareness around pelvic supportive health.  

Did you know that putting your feet on a stool, raising your knees above hip level puts you in a healthier squat position that straightens the rectum and can have long term health benefits? There are so many things you can do to promote healing and health.  Did you know that you can retrain your nervous system that can help with incontinence and sexual issues and trauma? Did you know you know there are people trained specifically to support your pelvic health?

Learn more about Ann Udofia, PT, DPT,

I would love to hear comments if this resonates or helps!  

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