Popular HSP Podcast Episodes

Enjoy this compilation of episodes from The HSP Podcast. I recommend bookmarking this page so you can come back and listen to all. You may also like to share this to help other HSPs. 

When Stress Feels Too High

I share some tools that can help you reduce your stress in the moment and also long-term. I also share my own story about how I moved out of survival mode into thriving.

Blooming Brilliantly, Understanding and Loving Who You Are as a Sensitive Person

Are You Blooming or Wilting?

HSPs Have an Overly Activated Emotional Brain Response & That is a Challenge!

This sets us up for a lot of challenges, but fortunately, you can train your brain! Learn more about my Braining Training Program for Highly Sensitive people at www.hspcourse.com Check out all the resources for the sensitive, including a free sensitivity quiz at www.Sensitive Connection.com

Working From Home Tips

I share tips to support highly sensitive people (HSPs) working from home right now. Sharing ways to support yourself and your sensitive system as well as tips to create a workspace that works well for HSPs. You'll add a few tools to your toolbox and information that can help you reduce stress and feel more focused and efficient for work.

Pandemic Self Care: with Julie and Willow

What is self-care? How is self-care different for HSPs? How does it need to be different during a global pandemic? Willow and I share what helps us stay resilient so we can stay balanced, take care of ourselves, our families, and stay productive in our work helping others.

Balancing a Sensitive Nervous System

I've been working with highly sensitive people all over the world and have learned specific things that help support the balance of our sensitive nervous system. Sensory processing sensitivity means that we often experience sensory overload and experience the world differently than 80% of the population.

HSP/HSS Boost Your Mood & Energy

After working with highly sensitive people as well as high sensation seeking HSPs I have learned important information that may help you feel better if you're experiencing depression, low mode, or low energy.

Ownership as Path to Meaning and Peace: Live Podcast with Julie and Willow

One of the most effective paths to peace and meaning is honesty. An active inquiry to reveal the truth of who we are. As an HSP this can sometimes feel like a lonely path if we feel misunderstood, causing us to want to hide and protect who we really are.

Self Love and Living from the Heart with Julie Bjelland and Willow McIntosh

Making the conscious choice of choosing positive thoughts on a moment to moment basis. Strengthening the muscle of experiencing heart consciousness and how simple it becomes to access it. Learning to stop feeding the false opinion we have of ourselves. Learning to find the inner resource of knowing.

10 Steps to Creating Healthy Friendships & Relationships as an HSP with Julie & Willow

Highly sensitive people (HSPs) have a very caring and giving nature. However, sometimes we over-give to the point of being targets to people with toxic or narcissistic tendencies causing an imbalanced, unhealthy dynamic. We'll talk about the ways that contribute to that dynamic.

Self-Compassion: This One Skill Can Transform Your Life with Julie and Willow

HSPs are some of the kindest, most compassionate people in the world, toward others, and yet It's common for HSPs to have a lot of negative self-talk and lack healthy self-compassion. This can be particularly damaging during times of high stress when we need to be a compassionate, caring friend to support ourselves through intense emotions.

Reparent Your Sensitive Inner Child: with Julie Bjelland and Willow McIntosh

Learning how to give yourself what you needed as a child can be a powerful healing practice that can transform your life. Discussions in this episode: Let's explore the concept of caring for your inner child Getting to know and connecting with your inner child. We share our stories too.

Meditation for Intense Feelings 

As highly sensitive people sometimes life can be very challenging when we have intensely difficult feelings. I hope this meditation supports you through hard moments. From a listener... "I listened to this yesterday and it was very helpful in normalizing my experience.

Validation: The Power of Personal Validation as an Ongoing Practice: with Julie & Willow

Following a previous episode about self-compassion, the powerful technique for managing our feelings, we turn our attention to the power of validation. As high sensory people, we can often get overly affected by other people's opinions and expectations of us.

How to Develop High Self Esteem Through the Recognition of Our Core Beliefs as a Highly Sensitive Person

Recognizing core beliefs can be pivotal to developing confidence and high self-esteem as a Highly Sensitive or "High Sensory intelligent" person. We often feel so strongly about the injustices in the world, it can upset us deeply when our core beliefs are challenged.

Balancing a Sensitive Nervous System 

I've been working with highly sensitive people all over the world and have learned specific things that help support the balance of our sensitive nervous system. Sensory processing sensitivity means that we often experience sensory overload and experience the world differently than 80% of the population.

The Importance of Telling People About the Trait of High Sensitivity: Live Podcast with Julie and Willow

This is one of the questions I'm asked the most. We will discuss some of the challenges you have named and the benefits of talking about the trait.

Meditation for Emotional Wounding 

Emotional wounding needs care just as much as physical wounding does, especially for highly sensitive people who can feel things so deeply. This emotional healing meditation will help you to become more relaxed and at peace.

Meditation for Deep Feelers

Being a deep feeler in the world can sometimes be difficult when we have intensely strong emotions. I hope this meditation supports you and calms you.

Want more tips to reduce challenges and increase your resiliency as a sensitive person? I’ll send support every week. Sign up for the Sensitive Empowerment newsletter here.

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