Meditations for Hard Moments

Enjoy this compilation of episodes from The HSP Podcast. I recommend bookmarking this page so you can come back and listen to all. You may also like to share this to help other HSPs. 

When you are having a hard moment, listen to this

Support for you at

Technique that helps calm you

This technique is proven effective for highly sensitive people. It's an excellent technique that instantly trains your brain that you are safe and to stop sending out alarm bell signals.

When you feel misunderstood or alone, listen to this

I understand that feeling and want to help. Check out all my resources for you at

Meditation for highly sensitive people

A 5-minute breathe awareness meditation just for highly sensitive people.

Want more tips to reduce challenges and increase your resiliency as a sensitive person? I’ll send support every week. Sign up for the Sensitive Empowerment newsletter here.

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