Sensitive Sages 60+ Speak Out in Survey by Christine Magnussen
Guest Post by Christine Magnussen, Host, Sensitive Sage Group
When we created a survey for seniors to get your input, we heard your replies: “What a wonderful idea--positive aging for HSP’s!" “So comforting to see a group for elder HSP’s.” “I am so pleased to see this topic covered as I am having a difficult time adjusting/ accepting.” “I look forward to getting to know people my age and stage in life.” “After spending sixty or more years wondering ‘what exactly is wrong with me,’ finally finding out that you are an HSP is truly an aha moment.” “Sounds like it will be a real “Blast!”
What is the Sensitive Sages group? Named for our valued life experience, Sensitive Sages is a safe and nurturing space for HSPs ages 60+ where we support one another and explore issues in navigating the aging process with grace and wisdom.
Thanks to more than 75 of you (ages 60 and above) for your thoughtful and candid survey responses. Your topics of highest interest were Making Connections & Having Fun! You expressed the importance of feeling a sense of purpose, an interest in travel, and maintaining vitality. Improving relationships with your family's younger members was also a top priority. Many other issues were expressed in the survey, and those will be addressed in upcoming events in this private group.
Based on your valuable feedback, here are free upcoming events exclusively for the Sensitive Sage group:
How to Interact With Our Kids & Grandkids - Wed., Sept. 27 -10 am PT via Zoom
In this live video event, we will share challenges and strategies in talking with our adult children and younger members of our family:
How and when to connect
Modern modes of communication
Scheduling 'Together Fun' & Quality Time
Finding common language with non-HSP relatives
Inward Traveler Quest - October - December 2023 (live video & written chats)
"Pack" for fun and adventure, connection, and individual exploration on a 3-month quest of light-hearted, deep exploration based on the Inward Traveler book. We will gather via written chats and three live Zoom meetings (Oct. 3, Nov. 15 & early December) to share our “travels” and discoveries for our vicarious parallel quests. Through the HSP lens and metaphor of "travel," we will explore our own beliefs, experiences, self-care, and search for meaning. Using positive psychology, we will practice mindfulness, savoring and flow, self-expression, managing risk and change, and transformation. More details are in the Events pages inside the Sensitive Sages group space.
Meaning & Purpose - Sat., Oct. 7, 10-11 am PT - Live Written Chat
Share ways to find genuine meaning and purpose as a Sensitive Sage. We will talk about our roles in society, social relevance, and satisfying activity.
Holiday Choices & Challenges - Mon., Nov. 6, 1-2 pm PT - Live written chat
What do holidays mean to you? We will explore how to enjoy them with creative options for connecting with family or friends, low-cost gift ideas, and how to transcend physical or travel obstacles.
JOIN Sensitive Empowerment NOW for 1/2 PRICE (for low-income 60 +)
Currently, 1/2 price scholarships to the Sensitive Empowerment Community are available for those 60+ who also have a financial need. Membership in the Sensitive Empowerment Community gives you the free option to join us in this private Sensitive Sages group.
Once inside the Sensitive Empowerment Community, click on the free Sensitive Sages group to join. In your Personal Profile space in the top right corner, you may select the type and frequency of notifications as well as add your photo and a brief description of yourself so others can more easily connect with you.
Read more about Sensitive Sages where you can take our survey if you haven’t yet had a chance!
Bio: Your Sensitive Sages group host is Christine Magnussen, a vibrant HSP in her 70s who brings a wealth of expertise as a Master Certified Senior Health Coach specializing in Positive Aging. Her experience includes Lifestyle coaching, Stress Management, Joyful Movement, Food Psychology Coaching, and facilitator training in the Science of Happiness (Positive Psychology). She wholeheartedly believes that we can experience health and happiness at any age. Christine teaches courses and offers customized coaching for individuals using creative approaches to well-being. Learn more about her and listen to her interview at:
Want to write for The HSP Blog?
Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is an HSP Psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, author of The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person, and founder of the exceptionally ranked Sensitive Empowerment Community. Julie's HSP Podcast is among the top 5% of the most shared and followed worldwide. Her online courses and free resources have helped millions of HSPs reduce the challenges of living with sensitivity, and her greatest joy lies in helping HSPs discover their significant value to the world. Julie's brain training program has proven to reduce anxiety within the first two weeks. Explore all her resources at
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