Tools for HSPs

Enjoy this compilation of episodes from The HSP Podcast. I recommend bookmarking this page so you can come back and listen to all. You may also like to share this to help other HSPs. 

When Stress Feels Too High

I share some tools that can help you reduce your stress in the moment and also long-term. I also share my own story about how I moved out of survival mode into thriving.

Creating Healthy Boundaries as an HSP Without Guilt

Many highly sensitive people struggle to create boundaries. We are such a giving group of people that it can be hard to say no or feel like we are disappointing someone. But not having boundaries actually creates an unhealthy balance in relationships. Listen and learn more about how to set boundaries without guilt.

Brain Training for the Highly Sensitive Person, Techniques to Reduce Anxiety & Overwhelming Emotions

Information about what brain training is and why highly sensitive people need it and how my brain training course can help reduce the challenges of sensitivity. Learn more about this course created especially for HSPs at

Learn about the free resources I offer HSPs

Have you taken the Sensitivity quiz, watched my free videos, listened to my podcasts, subscribed to my weekly newsletter? So many resources to support you to thrive to your fullest potential!

Lovingkindness Meditation for Highly Sensitive People

We can love and be loved at the same level we love ourselves. This meditation helps to grow more self love.

Self-Esteem Building Relaxation for the Sensitive

Many HSPs benefit from practicing techniques to build self-esteem. Give yourself this gift.

HSP Travel & Group Gathering Tips

Do you often get exhausted and need a lot of recovery time after travel or visiting family? You are not alone, many HSPs feel this way. Here are some tips to help you!

Want more tips to reduce challenges and increase your resiliency as a sensitive person? I’ll send support every week. Sign up for the Sensitive Empowerment newsletter here.

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