Travel Tips for Highly Sensitive People
Travel can often be hard on our sensitive systems, so the following tips will help you enjoy your experience more and recover faster. Here are a few recommendations, followed by suggestions from other HSP travelers!
Start with a full tank of energy and rest the day before your travel
Be mindful of where to prioritize your energy and what might give you energy back in between the busy parts
Plan for recovery time off when you get home without expectations of yourself to be productive
Be mindful of your energy
Finding ways to rest before, during, and after the trip can be important because we will not enjoy ourselves if we aren’t feeling well, and our recovery will take much longer. Try to fit in bits of nature time; for example, once, I visited a beautiful natural setting next to a Koi pond between visiting friends on a trip. Planning quiet nature time in between busier times helps me refill my energy tank.
Prioritize your energy where it will matter most
I went on a weekend trip to attend a big birthday gathering at my partner’s family home one weekend. Her family wanted to spend all our time together, but I knew that would be too much for me, especially since driving down there took almost six hours. So to start with, we stayed in a hotel, which gave me space to have downtime before and after visiting.
I needed to find ways to rest my senses, or I would likely be in sensory overload.
Also, in planning for the busy weekend, I asked what events were most important to them. I discovered that the dinner on Friday night was just as important as the party on Saturday night; therefore, I decided to skip the daytime visit to rest to fill up my tank for the evening activities. I also spent some time on the beach nearby because nature gives me energy.
I know it’s not always easy to set these boundaries, and it can leave us feeling guilty, especially if we meet resistance. It can be difficult for everyone to understand, but that can’t be our goal. What is important is that we honor our needs to be healthy. Ultimately, our loved ones want that for us. If you need more support around boundaries, I teach a free class: How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Why it’s Essential for Wellness as an HSP.
Tips for traveling by car
• On long car rides, try renting a larger car for more space so you can lie down or stretch out
• Take ear plugs, pillows, blankets, an eye mask, headphones, and music and/or meditation recordings
No matter what kind of family activities, trips, or vacations you are doing, I encourage you to make time for yourself. Plan activities in between times of rest. It’s okay to rest and come later or leave early. Take breaks from the crowds as needed and take little walks around outside if possible. Learn what you need to be your best and advocate for those needs. If you’re happier and more balanced, those around you will benefit, but only you know your limits and boundaries!
Here are some more travel tips from HSPs I polled
Travel solo.
Wear sunglasses.
Take noise-canceling earphones for the plane and at the airport.
Take tissues with lavender oil to sniff on the plane.
Take puzzle books, books to read, and/or some crafts with you.
Drink a ton of water.
Hydrate and rest.
Listen to music to escape the crowds in airports and to center yourself.
Stop to enjoy the view (wherever safe).
Do no more than two major “tourist” sites if in a city. Sometimes if one takes too long and is very busy, one is enough. Maybe consider visiting smaller towns and taking walks in the countryside.
Spend money on convenience where possible.
Use a car service instead of driving yourself if you can.
Choose hotels with room service/in-room dining. Knowing you can order to eat is a relief when overwhelmed and tired.
Choose higher-end hotels when possible. They are generally quieter and have a concierge.
Consider taking advantage of the TSA Precheck service to make going through airport security much less overwhelming. All large airports that are typically overwhelming use TSA pre-check. If the smaller airports don’t have it, it’s usually okay because the security line is much shorter, and the experience is much calmer.
Have a “buffer” day before and after the trip. Use the “before” day to pack, check trip details, and relax. Use the “after” day to sleep, rest, unpack, and decompress to gently ease back into daily life.
If necessary, make the trip shorter to have buffer days if that extra time is really helpful to you.
Being away from home for more than a week is stressful. Take more frequent short trips instead of long trips.
Make a pack list that has every single thing you need regularly, with space for trip-specific items. Laminate the list and use a dry-erase marker to add things and check things off.
To help you sleep, take a portable noise machine, a small fan or ear plugs and an eye mask.
Don’t feel the need to “do everything” while traveling. Choose one or two activities (museum, tour, etc.) and plan time to rest after!
Go at slightly less busy times of the year (i.e., during the off-season).
Alternate excursions/busy days with relaxed days.
Be to yourself like a mother would be to a child. Schedule plenty of rest. Make sure to always have a snack and water with you.
Travel solo or in small groups instead of large groups.
More tips from professionals who work with HSPs
If it costs extra (and you can afford it) and it will reduce the hassle, go for it. Do yourself as many favors as you can while traveling to reduce overwhelm.
Plan for a recovery day off work prior and immediately following the trip. Enjoy the cultural experiences knowing that you don’t have to necessarily partake in all of the foods. Sugars when traveling is a recipe for energy depletion. Stay hydrated. If you go with a group make sure they have “free time” scheduled in... you will need it for yourself. Have fun.
Noise-canceling headphones, favorite essential oils, yoga while waiting in the airport, eye masks, earplugs, a great movie to escape into, lots of walking, water, snacks, and no computer work!
Don’t over plan too many activities. Rest if you get tired and eat on a schedule.
Have a plan. The more planning I do, the more comfortable I feel. Don’t pressure yourself to enjoy every moment - some things are just a drag! Try to eat regularly and hydrate. Have something fun on the horizon for after the trip
If you’re visiting a city, try to find a park for relaxation and beauty.
Organization ahead of trip. Eat clean food, keep well hydrated. Earphones, good book. Anything that worries you about the journey, address it early so that you’re proactive, not reactive. Then enjoy!!
Overall, get to know your needs when you travel. Keep a little travel diary to help develop a life-long template that works for you.
Do you have more tips to share below?
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A place to share photos of places you have been to or are planning to visit and ideas for what supports your sensitive needs before, during, and after travel. Learn about trips HSPs recommend too!
Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is a psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, author of The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person, and host of The HSP Podcast. Her Sensitive Empowerment Community, online courses, blog, and free webinars have helped thousands of highly sensitive people (HSPs) worldwide reduce their challenges, access their gifts, and discover their significant value. Julie loves connecting in her community and warmly invites you to join this positive, safe, inclusive, and welcoming space. Take her free sensitivity quiz, get a letter to give to your medical and mental health team, learn how her brain training program reduces anxiety quickly, and find all her resources❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)
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