Using Our Emotions To Find Peace in Times of Stress with Luciana Garcia

Loved the power of this conversation so much!  Enjoy the meditation she does at the end too! I would love to hear from you in the comments too! ❤️

Two ways to enjoy. Either watch the video or listen to the podcast below.

You can also listen to the podcast if you prefer audio only.

Loved the power of this conversation so much! Enjoy the meditation she does at the end too! Emotional integration ( the mindfulness of feeling) is a unique technique that everyone can learn to create a healthy and positive relationship with their emotions especially for those of us that are highly sensitive people.

Emotional integration ( the mindfulness of feeling) is a unique technique that everyone can learn to create a healthy and positive relationship with their emotions especially for those of us that are highly sensitive people. 

Lucia shares: "I would love to talk about the importance of normalizing feeling our emotions, and how to do that. For us HSP we feel so much, that it's easy to get overwhelmed and shut down. Emotional Integration and meditation have transformed the lives of many people and I would love to talk about how it offers a new tool and hope for those that need it."

Luciana Garcia is an ordained Buddhist priest and emotional mastery coach, who teaches other women how to master their emotions by using the unique technique of emotional integration (the mindfulness of emotions). Using this method, she has dropped 80 lbs and overcame premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). She has a Degree in Mind/Body Transformational Psychology and is an ordained Acharya from the Mahajrya Buddhist Tradition. She has been featured in KFoxtv Channel 14 and leads the #itstimetofeel moment, where she encourages women to see their emotions as their super power to build the relationships, families, and businesses of their dreams.

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