What Do You Hope for In Joining This Sensitive Empowerment Community?
I just love reading through some of the reasons why HSPs are joining the Sensitive Empowerment Community and wanted to share!
I have joined this community to find connections and I hope to find a sense of belonging with other sensitive souls!
I would like to meet others who are an HSP. I'm just getting to know about this trait and exploring how that shows up for me. I look forward to connecting with others who walk in the world with this sensibility.
A sense of connection
My hope is to learn and grow as an HSP; to become comfortable in my own skin and develop authentic relationships with other kind souls.
A sense of belonging, a sharing of experiences so as not to feel so out of sync with the rest of society, and continued access to coping mechanisms to support my process of re-wiring and healing.
A sense of belonging... and I want to share my extreme compassion and empathy with people who reciprocate it!
How can I begin my journey to attract more conscious empathic loving-kindness people into my life?
I would like to hear about how others navigate as HSPs and to be able to relate to others.
I would like to feel welcomed for my sensitivity instead of trying to hide it from those who are not able to understand.
HSP Solopreneur community with kindred spirits
I think it will be wonderful to commune with others who 'get it’ and have similar traits as HSPs. I look forward to supporting one another.
Acceptance and reciprocity.
To meet more people who perceive the world in similar ways to me. To make new friends.
sharing perspectives, ideas, and wisdom =)
Support, validation, confidence, and encouragement (in lots of areas!). To benefit from their experience.
normalizing concerns I have
I just like being with other people who are highly sensitive. The conversation can go places it just doesn't tend to go with those who aren't :) I realized after I found out about the trait that the people I tend to "vibe" most with also have the trait.
I want to give love and get love. I want to be seen for my authentic self and see others’ authentic selves. I want to be able to express myself in all its complexity and am interested to read the perspectives of others who are doing the same xx
I would like to connect to other HSP's like myself. We are indeed unique people! Learning, appreciating and connection are my primary motivators :)
To make friends who are similarly sensitive!
Trainings, education, tools for being a therapist
Greater self-acceptance, self-love, and connection with like minded individuals
I hope to see myself reflected in the community to lessen the feeling like I don't resonate with the world. I hope to find inspiration in the stories of the community.
I want to feel accepted and understood here which I think I already do after your shift talk! I want to learn which heart business would be best for me to start? I want to fall in love with myself, my earning work, and my new man and share this beautiful empowering experience so I no longer feel lonely.
Tools for managing sensitivity and camaraderie of others who are similar.
I am hoping to connect with like-minded people and find my tribe...
I would love to meet other HSPs since I don't think I have ever known another in my life! To find community and understanding- something which I never really felt before
Connection, education, and mutual support
Connection and support and learning about myself.
to share with others, who may be less aware, that it is more than okay to be an HSP and that there are tools available to get through the challenges life throws at us.
To learn tools so that I can bring joy back into my life
Looking forward to connecting with others in this space 💕
For myself and others to grow our HSP trait into a major strength and not a weakness!
I hope to learn more about what this trait is, how I can honor it in my life, and hopefully, connect with others who have it to make sense of and validate my life experiences.
Feel supported by others knowing I don't have to do this alone.
I hope to learn, understand and grow to love this part of myself that I've grown to hate.
Learn tools to help with the overwhelm I sometimes feel due to my high sensitivity and to feel validated in my experiences.
Hi there! I’m looking to be amongst a community that innately understands some of the challenges and learn from those that are ahead of me on the path.
Someone who understands and connects with other HSP's and does not feel totally understood. We are different souls for sure.
I'm hoping to discover new strategies for finding my way back to my centered self.
Bolster my efforts to find fulfillment and balance
I am so thankful I am not crazy! I am the only HSP I know.
I look forward to learning the truth about my trait, reducing my overload/anxiety, growing self-love, and improving my relationships.
I hope to learn how to accept my sensitivities, how to use them to my benefit, and surround myself with like-minded individuals.
Looking for a sense of community, for more growth.
To learn Self-compassion and self-love. To heal and to grow.
I love our chosen HSP family in our Sensitive Empowerment Community and if you aren’t yet a member I invite you to try it for one month and see why HSPs call it life-changing. We love who you are and you are accepted as you are. We welcome you warmly.
Julie Bjelland is a Psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, host of The HSP Podcast, and Founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community, whose mission is to create a paradigm shift where sensitivity is embraced, valued, and honored. Julie offers multiple essential resources for educating, inspiring, and empowering HSPs. Register for her free Masterclasses and profoundly transform your life in her courses and community. Her HSP Dating Group is a safe space bringing together conscious, kind, caring HSPs (both Hetero and LGBTQ+). Her HSPs in Business Group supports and empowers sensitive people to grow heart-centered businesses, share their voices, and be part of the change the world needs. Explore Julie’s website dedicated to supporting HSPs and download a free letter to give medical and mental health professionals about high sensitivity. ❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)
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