What Restores You?
Because I recommend 2 hours per day + one full day per week of unscheduled alone time (essential for wellness especially for those of us that are HSP Empaths), it might be helpful to share ideas from each other! I asked this question to members of my Sensitive Empowerment Community, and here were some of their answers that may inspire you!
When you are doing your unscheduled alone time, what have you observed restores you the most? ❤️
A walk on the beach, listening to music, a bath, a shower, taking a walk outside, writing my appreciations list (the longer the list the better), resting in bed (being conscious of my body being held by my bed), meditation.
Centering meditation, walking in nature, being present with beauty such as a sunset, sunrise, fresh snowfall, etc., nature photography, intentional gratitude, spending time with my dog, and silence.
Watching the sunrise and sunset, nature photography, meditation, crafting collage cards for people I love, and watching silly short videos and laughing.
Reading, writing in my journal, walking in nature, listening to reiki or chanting music, food prep work, yoga, dancing (especially vogueing), communing with my ancestors, looking at myself in the mirror.
Doing a chant, laying in bed and relaxing, watching old TV shows, being in nature of course, listening to spiritual podcasts.
Bath, nature time, watering my plants, reading, cooking with a good podcast on, lying in silence on my yoga mat, writing in a journal, having herbal teas.
Spending time before work in my garden, listening to HSP podcasts or focus music, followed by an hour of exercise during which my head clears, and I connect with my higher power. I call it my medicine. If I skip this for more than a day or 2, I become unbalanced and am not ok.
Listening to calming music, playing the guitar, reading, journaling, stretching, working out, light stream meditation, floatation therapy, nature walks.
Walking through the woods, moderate physical activity, dancing, swimming, napping, just going with the flow, guided meditations, daydreaming, laying on the ground, being surrounded by grass and flowers, visiting a new place, taking a long bath, reading.
A nice walk out in nature. In the forest, or by any kind of water. Listening to some of my favorite opera or classical music..being with a good friend. Talking to any of my grandchildren thru video messenger. Listening to centering meditation. Laying on my bed.
Playing the piano, dancing, qigong, guided meditation, journaling, listening/thinking in silence, checking in with my intuition, weeding or deadheading the garden & letting my mind wander, cooking/baking something new, a bath.
Long walks in quiet places, exercise, talking to Jesus and my inner child, pulling weeds, listening to worship music and singing along, daydreaming.
Nature. Ocean. Doing ceramics. Staring at the wall with a cup of tea. Walking in the sunrise.
I try to get my alone time in first thing in the morning. I wake around 6 am and start work at 9 am. My lunch is made and my clothes picked out the night before. During those hours in the morning I do a gentle workout of either yoga, block therapy, walking. Sometimes, if I feel more energy, I will do some light weight training. I read, journal and sit in silence. On weekends I will spend more time outdoors but learning that needs to be a daily practice. Meditation, gardening, occassionally a float spa, massages 1x/mth.
We are learning that being intentional about self-care is how we can thrive in an overstimulating world. We have a whole set of tools that work well for HSPs available in my private, online Sensitive Empowerment Community and I invite you to engage in this loving, supportive community for 2 months and see how much better you can feel!
If you struggle with high stress or anxiety, register for my free Masterclass and learn tools that help!
High Sensitivity and Anxiety, a free Masterclass with Julie
Julie Bjelland is a Psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, host of The HSP Podcast, and Founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community, whose mission is to create a paradigm shift where sensitivity is embraced, valued, and honored. Julie offers multiple essential resources for educating, inspiring, and empowering HSPs.
Register for her free Masterclasses and profoundly transform your life in her courses and community.
Her HSP Dating Group is a safe space bringing together conscious, kind, caring HSPs (both Hetero and LGBTQ+).
Her HSPs in Business Group supports and empowers sensitive people to grow heart-centered businesses, share their voices, and be part of the change the world needs.
Explore Julie’s website dedicated to supporting HSPs and download a free letter to give medical and mental health professionals about high sensitivity. ❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)
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