Are You an HSP? Guest Post by Dr. Alyx MacTernan
You may be asking yourself, ‘What is an HSP?’ I have no idea what that stands for! That’s the first thought I had when I was initially asked that question. But before I provide a definition, let me ask a few other questions first:
Have you been told by others that you are overly sensitive?
Do you find that you are overwhelmed and way too stressed, way too often?
Do you need more time to recover after a long work week or social gathering?
Are you sensitive to medications?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, then you may be an HSP – a Highly Sensitive Person. And almost 20 percent of the population meet the criteria for being an HSP.
Learn More About the Brain Traits of a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
Julie Bjelland, LMFT is a Psychotherapist, Author, and Founder of Sensitive Empowerment, a Community Empowering the Highly Sensitive. She is an expert in the field of HSPs.
If you think you are among the almost 20 percent of the population that meets the criteria of being an HSP, you may want to check out Julie Bjelland’s website. You can even take a Sensitivity Quiz to help you determine if you are indeed an HSP.
Join the HSP Community
Julie Bjelland’s website provides a meeting space for a global community – for this population to support each other – as well as learn more about themselves. It has an extensive list of resources. There are webinars and blog posts that help to uplift and educate you. And you can subscribe to a newsletter to receive regular updates or login to watch videos on the topic too. I am confident that you will find this information insightful and helpful.
How Can Identifying as an HSP Help You Grow?
As a newly identified HSP myself, I have found this community to be welcoming, supportive, and encouraging. I am just beginning my journey into learning more about this personality trait. And I have learned that it is no surprise that I have found my calling as a psychotherapist. This is a perfect fit for an HSP. As such, I am able to empathize deeply with my clients.
And as a lifelong learner, I believe understanding more about HSP can help me grow as a person. If you believe you could be one too, I encourage you to join me on this journey of self-discovery. I hope that you will grow with me and continue to challenge yourself into going deeper into self-understanding and discovery.
If you have any questions about HSP, please feel free to contact me or Julie Bjelland. Additionally, if you would like to present information on the platform, please reach out.
Be Well!
Dr. Alyx MacTernan
HSP Community Member and Founder of Elemental Mental Health
Learn more about our Sensitive Empowerment Community.
Discover practical strategies to manage sensory overload and embrace sensory joy. This article explores how sensory sensitivity impacts neurodivergent individuals and offers tools to balance your sensitive nervous system, reduce overwhelm, and thrive.