How To Engage in Helping the World While Also Protecting Your Sensitive Nature
Turn on the news and you are bombarded with horrible things happening in the world every day. For a sensitive person, it can feel like too much. It can be tough for my fellow HSP Empaths not to absorb suffering.
How do we stay engaged and know what's happening in the world without falling apart?
How do we help others when we are suffering ourselves?
How do we keep our heads above water when we know so many suffer?
These are some of the questions many of you are asking.
In my Sensitive Empowerment Community, we have purposely created guidelines around NOT discussing things specifically around politics, religion, government, etc., so that we have one safe space to be that feels positive and empowering. However, we talk about our feelings and how to be part of the change the world needs while also taking care of our own needs, so we don’t fall apart.
In case it feels helpful to you, I thought I would share what I do to purposely be part of helping the world while also being careful to take care of myself in specific ways so I don’t fall apart.
Here’s what I do and recommend…
I pay attention to and take care of my needs. A strong personal foundation is key to wellness, strength, and resiliency. If I don't care for my needs and fall apart, I'm not helping the world. Being well means we must take care of ourselves in the ways that work for us, not necessarily how we've been taught. Often that means going against what society has taught us all these years about self-care. It looks different for us. Our barometer is inside of us, and our bodies are telling us what we need to be well if we pause to listen.
Practice self-compassion for being someone that feels things deeply. I had to learn self-compassion. It wasn't natural for me and many of us. It's why I have a whole Topic dedicated to this in my community to explore, engage, and learn to develop this essential skill. I consider it a brain training skill that we develop with practice over time. It helps with EVERYTHING.
I look for the helpers. I balance the suffering with remembering all the helpers out there doing amazing things in support of others. It's heart-warming to see how people open their homes to others in need, provide food, and go out of their way to support and help. It touches my heart so deeply, and it's important to soak in all the good from all these good people in the world. There have been and will always be hard things happening in the world, but equally valid is there are always beautiful helpers making a difference too. Paying attention to them reminds me that so many good people and good things are happening in the world too.
I take action. There are many ways we can do good in the world to help balance all the hard stuff. Whether you are helping a friend, a neighbor, your community, or the world, there is usually something we can do with our HSP hearts that feel in service to others. This fueled a big part of why I started my community. Providing a safe, supportive, positive, and empowered haven for sensitive people helps the world.
I set boundaries and spend time with supportive people. It helps to be together and know that we are not alone. I love how our community has helped many HSPs feel seen, understood, and have a sense of belonging. Many have shared that it's the first time they started to like who they are, as they've learned more about this trait of high sensitivity. Having a positive, supporting, nurturing space to spend time in helps us connect, and connection makes us feel stronger. It's important that we are conscious of who we have in our lives as sensitive people, which means we set boundaries around those that aren't healthy for us. If you need support setting boundaries without guilt, you may have an interest in my free boundaries class.
I limit what I take in. Remember how it takes up to 5 positives to neutralize one negative? If you are finding yourself falling apart from watching too much news or taking in too much suffering, it's time to get out in nature. Many of you have heard me say that reading is better than watching to stay informed for sensitive people, as images can be intensely painful and stick with us for a long time. Some of you also get summaries from people in your life, and that's ok too. Whatever you need to do to stay informed but not fall apart is important. If we are falling apart, we can't be of support to anyone.
What do you do that helps you? Please comment below, and we can share ideas and support.
Plus, our community is full of ways to support living and thriving as a sensitive person in a non-sensitive world, and learning how to live in balance and just being there, exploring, and engaging is a great start! I love what some members shared…
“By loving ourselves and holding one another up, we can have an incredibly amazing impact way beyond our immediate surroundings.”
“I can see and feel all of us here in the community standing around in a circle, hand in hand, arms around each other, leaning on each other for support and feeding off the deep love and compassion we feel for each other and all of the living beings in the universe.”
”When I’m feeling low or falling apart, I know I can reach out and tap into this collective consciousness & love that all of us embody and know that I’m not alone. There are soooo many good, kind, generous, caring souls in this world; one by one, we each make our tiny contributions that move mountains together.”
It’s wonderful being together in our sensitive family. We warmly invite you to join us. ❤️
Julie Bjelland is a psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, Author of The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person, host of The HSP Podcast, and founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community. Her books, blog, online courses, and free Masterclasses have helped thousands of highly sensitive people (HSPs) worldwide reduce their challenges, access their gifts, and discover their significant value to thrive to their fullest potential. Her HSPs in Heart-Centered Business Group connects and supports HSP healers and practitioners. Julie loves connecting in her Sensitive Empowerment Community and warmly invites you to join this positive, safe, and welcoming space.❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)
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