Learning from Nature: What Biodiversity Teaches Us About the Importance of Embracing Neurodiversity by Julie Bjelland, LMFT

In nature, diversity is the cornerstone of resilience and thriving ecosystems. Every species, from the smallest microorganism to the tallest tree, contributes to the health and balance of its environment. This natural phenomenon, known as biodiversity, ensures that ecosystems remain robust and adaptable in the face of changes and challenges. Just as biodiversity is crucial for the strength and sustainability of our natural world, neurodiversity—the natural variations in the human brain—plays an equally vital role in enriching and strengthening human societies.

Yet, despite the importance of diversity in both nature and humanity, our society often enforces rigid social constructs that define what is considered “normal” and “different.” These norms create unrealistic expectations for how people should behave, think, and communicate, often to the detriment of those who don’t fit the mold, including autistic and other neurodivergent individuals. By learning how biodiversity supports nature's flourishing, we can gain valuable insights into why embracing neurodiversity is essential for human flourishing.

Nature’s Blueprint: How Biodiversity Supports Thriving Ecosystems

Biodiversity creates a network of interdependence that supports life in countless ways. The more diverse an ecosystem is, the more resilient it becomes. For example, a forest with many different tree species is less susceptible to diseases or pests targeting one specific type of tree. Each species brings something different to the environment—different root structures prevent soil erosion, various plant types provide food for a range of animal species, and diverse pollinators ensure that flowers bloom and crops grow. This interdependence allows ecosystems to adapt, grow, and flourish even in the face of adversity.

Conversely, when an ecosystem lacks biodiversity, it becomes fragile. A monoculture, where only one species is present, can easily collapse when faced with a single threat, such as a disease or change in climate. Without diversity, the ecosystem loses its ability to adapt and is vulnerable to disruption.

Similarly, when our social constructs fail to recognize neurodiversity, we lose the richness and adaptability that diverse minds bring to our communities, workplaces, and relationships. Just as in nature, where the loss of species weakens an ecosystem, suppressing neurodivergent voices weakens our society by limiting creativity, innovation, and meaningful connections.

Applying Nature’s Wisdom: Why Neurodiversity Enriches Human Communities

Neurodiversity, much like biodiversity, brings strength, creativity, and a range of problem-solving abilities to human communities. Autistic individuals, for example, often have extraordinary attention to detail and out-of-the-box thinking. We can see patterns that others might miss and approach problems from unique perspectives, bringing valuable insights and innovative solutions. This creative and analytical capacity demonstrates the importance of embracing neurodiversity to fully appreciate and utilize the strengths that neurodivergent minds offer.

These unique strengths are essential for building thriving, innovative communities. Yet, social norms often pressure us to conform to a narrow definition of “normal,” causing us to suppress our natural strengths and abilities. This expectation is akin to trying to turn a rich, diverse forest into a monoculture—stripping away the very characteristics that make it robust and vibrant.

The result is that society becomes rigid and less capable of meeting its members' diverse needs. By contrast, when we value and embrace neurodiversity, we create a culture that mirrors the resilience of nature’s ecosystems—one that is adaptable, creative, and inclusive.

The Double Empathy Problem: Rethinking Communication Norms

The challenges faced by autistic individuals, for example, are often misunderstood, not because we inherently struggle to communicate but because of a mismatch in communication styles between neurotypical and neurodivergent people. This is known as the double empathy problem, which suggests that the breakdown in understanding is not due to a deficiency in neurodivergent individuals but rather a mutual lack of attunement between different communication styles.

Much like how different species in an ecosystem have unique ways of interacting and coexisting, people have diverse ways of expressing themselves. Just as biodiversity teaches us the importance of honoring these differences in nature, neurodiversity calls for us to appreciate and respect different modes of communication in human interactions.

Learning from Nature: Building Resilient Communities by Embracing Neurodiversity

To build communities that reflect the strength and resilience of nature, we must move beyond mere acceptance and work toward actively embracing neurodiversity. This means challenging social norms that favor uniformity and creating spaces—whether in schools, workplaces, or social settings—where differences are seen as strengths and opportunities for growth.

We can start by:

  • Redesigning Systems to Support Diversity: Just as different species need varied habitats to thrive, neurodivergent individuals need flexible learning and working environments that cater to diverse sensory, social, and cognitive needs.

  • Celebrating Unique Contributions: Every species’ strengths are utilized in nature. Similarly, we can focus on the strengths of neurodivergent individuals, understanding that our contributions add value in ways that may differ from the norm but are equally important.

  • Promoting Inclusive Policies and Practices: Advocate for policies that prioritize accessibility, flexibility, and a variety of communication styles. This can include creating sensory-friendly spaces, promoting neurodiverse hiring practices, and supporting self-advocacy.

  • Valuing Differences as We Do in Nature: Encourage a cultural shift where differences are seen not as something to overcome but as something to celebrate—just as we value the role of every plant and animal in an ecosystem.

A Future Where All Minds Flourish

Just as nature flourishes through biodiversity, human communities flourish through neurodiversity. When we honor the full spectrum of human experience, we foster a society that values empathy, inclusion, and understanding—where everyone is free to be exactly who they are.

Embracing neurodiversity isn’t just the right thing to do—it’s a necessity for creating a resilient and adaptable society. By learning from nature’s principles of biodiversity, we can build a world where different minds are celebrated, strengths are honored, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

When we embrace neurodiversity as we embrace biodiversity, we ensure that all forms of life—whether in nature or in human communities—can reach their fullest potential. When we celebrate diverse minds and perspectives, we all thrive together.

Supportive Resources

  1. Understanding Autism in Women
    Provides essential education and insights to dispel stereotypes and offer a more accurate, intersectional perspective on autism in women. The information may also be relevant to those who are AFAB and non-binary.

  2. Autistic Women's Group
    A supportive group for women and AFAB individuals discovering their autism later in life (located inside The Sensitive Empowerment Community).

  3. Free Autism Quiz
    A quick and easy quiz to help identify potential autistic traits and guide individuals toward further understanding.

  4. Embracing Neurodiversity in the Workplace: 

    A free downloadable Guide for Organizations and Individuals on creating inclusive workplaces that honor and support neurodivergent employees.

  5. Sensitive Empowerment Community
    An inclusive community for neurodivergent and sensitive individuals to connect, share resources, and thrive.

  6. Supporting Autistic Children: Adventures of Niko the Highly Sensitive Dog
    A children's book series featuring Niko and his best friend Juju, who is autistic. This series helps neurodivergent and highly sensitive children understand and celebrate their unique qualities.

  7. Autism Assessments & Coaching/Consultations for the Neurodivergent
    I offer coaching, consultations, and assessments to support those seeking a better understanding of their neurodivergent experiences.

  8. The HSP & Neurodivergent Blog
    A blog featuring articles and insights on supporting the needs and strengths of neurodivergent and highly sensitive individuals.

  9. The HSP & Neurodivergent Podcast
    A podcast offering discussions and interviews on neurodivergence, high sensitivity, and the unique experiences of autistic individuals.

  10. Free Webinars and Resources
    Free educational webinars and a vast array of tools and resources supporting autistic and neurodivergent individuals, including a course on how to grow an online business, where I share what I’ve done and the tools I use as an autistic-sensitive person.

These resources offer valuable guidance and support for individuals and communities seeking to understand and embrace neurodiversity.

I’m Julie Bjelland, LMFT

An Autistic Psychotherapist, author, and founder of Sensitive Empowerment, specializing in high sensitivity, neurodivergence, and adult-discovered autism. I love developing tools that balance our sensitive nervous system, reduce challenges, and help us reach our fullest potential so we may excel in our unique talents. I’ve created a global hub of extensive support, including online courses, the Sensitive Empowerment Community—a nurturing sanctuary—a globally top-ranked podcast, articles, free webinars, and more. My passion is helping create a world where differences are embraced as strengths and celebrated. I’m a proud member of the LGBTQIA+ community and am committed to being neuroaffirming. Learn more at JulieBjelland.com