New Course: Embrace the Gifts of Neurodiversity as a Highly Sensitive Person, practical tools to remain balanced, navigate sensory overload, and help activate a heart-centered world

With Psychotherapist, Author, Host of the HSP Podcast
& Founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community
Julie Bjelland, LMFT

New 7-Week Live Video Training

Receive easy and powerfully effective tools for balancing your nervous system — and increasing focus and resilience during moments of sensory overload.

Embody the blessings of your high sensitivity to heal yourself and help you bring more compassion to our world.


As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), your mind and heart hold an expanded capacity for creating a deeply meaningful and enriched experience of life — once you learn how to mitigate the many challenges to your sensitivity.

One of the biggest obstacles is sensory overload... the challenging side of your heightened senses, deeply perceptive nature, and keen awareness of the emotional and mental states of others.

Having the inherent ability to perceive the nuances of life — easily reading environments, situations, and people through their energy, body language, and microexpressions — skilled HSPs inhabit a rich inner world that they can, when well-resourced, translate into profound insights and creations.

As psychotherapist Julie Bjelland teaches, HSPs are the compassionate and forward-thinking artists, innovators, teachers, healers, and leaders that the world desperately needs right now.

In short, HSPs are the “future” of humanity, in that they’re accessing deeper dimensions of consciousness.

If you’re like many HSPs, however, you frequently struggle with feeling overwhelmed by the constant bombardment of sights, sounds, scents, and the energetic states of everything and everyone you encounter.

It’s not easy living as a “future human” in today’s chaos.

As your senses become overloaded, anxiety, energy depletion, and irritability can take over your health and your life...

... creating cascades of new challenges such as sleep disturbances, exhaustion, and a loss of productivity, creativity, and focus in the process.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

During this deeply transformative course with Julie, you’ll uncover the gifts of your neurodiverse nature and learn how to thrive in an insensitive world by mastering practical tools. Julie designed these tools to help HSPs overcome sensory overload by balancing their nervous system and relaxing their emotional reactions so they have access to clearer, higher thinking.

As an author and host of the HSP Podcast, Julie has helped thousands of HSPs worldwide discover the value of their innate sensitivity.

With Julie, you’ll explore how, as an HSP, you’re on the spectrum of neurodiversity (variations in brain function and behavioral traits). You’ll gain an understanding of the HSP traits that you possess and ways to leverage them to enhance your life and the lives of others.

Throughout this course, you’ll explore the science that explains why you experience life in a penetrating and visceral way... how that makes you distinctively insightful... and why neurodiversity is becoming more widely embraced, valued, and even needed in mainstream culture.

There is still time to sign up!

Even if you missed the first sessions, you can catch up by watching the replays of the video, and audio, or reading the transcripts then join us live for any remaining sessions. It’s powerful to be together. Hope to see you there! ❤️

Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is an HSP psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, the author of The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person, and founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community. Her HSP Podcast ranks among the top 5% of the most shared and followed podcasts worldwide. Julie’s webinars. resources, online courses, and blog have helped millions of HSPs reduce the challenges of living with sensitivity in an overstimulating world. Her greatest joy is helping sensitive people discover their significant value and seeing them share their much-needed gifts with the world. Julie loves connecting in her community and warmly invites you to join this positive, inclusive, sensitive family. Explore her resources and learn how her brain training program reduces anxiety within the first two weeks at❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)