Understanding Autism in Women: A Comprehensive Guide for Individuals and Practitioners by Julie Bjelland, LMFT


I am thrilled to announce the release of my latest guide, "Understanding Autism in Women", tailored specifically for both individuals and practitioners. This guide aims to bridge the knowledge gap and provide accurate, research-backed information about autism in women. It is designed to dispel outdated stereotypes, offer practical strategies, and foster a deeper understanding of neurodivergence.

What You Will Gain from This Guide

A Clear Understanding of Autism in Women

Learn to recognize and differentiate the unique traits and experiences of autistic women, dispelling myths and stereotypes that have long clouded the proper understanding of autism in women.

Research from Polls

Benefit from insights gained through extensive polls conducted within the autistic community. This guide offers real-world data and perspectives on the experiences, challenges, and strengths of autistic women.

Diagnosis and Misdiagnosis Guidance

Navigate the complexities of diagnosing autism in highly sensitive women. Understand how to distinguish between common co-occurring conditions and misdiagnoses, ensuring accurate and empathetic assessments.

Practical Strategies

Discover coping mechanisms for common challenges, including managing sensory overload, energy fluctuations, and the unique mental load experienced by autistic women.

Identity and Self-Expression

Gain insights into the struggles of masking and explore the intersections of autism with queer identity and gender variance, fostering a more inclusive understanding of autistic experiences.


Explore how race, gender, socioeconomic status, and other identities impact the experiences of autistic women, providing a holistic understanding of their unique challenges and strengths.

Improved Communication

Learn about the double empathy problem and how to bridge communication gaps between autistic and non-autistic individuals, enhancing mutual understanding and connection.

Insights into the Importance of Neurodiversity

Understand the origins and importance of the neurodiversity movement, contrasting it with the inaccurate medical model of autism, and appreciate the value of diverse neurological perspectives.

Support and Advocacy

Learn how to create sensory-friendly spaces, reduce sensory overload, and effectively support autistic individuals in various settings.

Community and Connection

Access additional resources, participate in the autistic women's group (for diagnosed or self-diagnosed), and connect with others who share similar experiences and challenges.

Personal and Professional Growth

Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to advocate for yourself or others, enhancing the quality of life and mental health for autistic individuals.

The Importance of Understanding Autism in Women

Understanding autism can bring immense relief and clarity, explaining lifelong challenges and offering coping strategies for a world that often doesn't accommodate neurodivergent individuals. This understanding can transform self-perception, replacing self-criticism with compassion. Recognizing the higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation in autistic individuals and addressing these challenges is crucial for improving their quality of life and mental health.

Table of Contents


20 Common Traits of Sensitive Autistic Women: Dispel Old Stereotypes

Patterns I've Observed in Autistic Women Through Assessments

Intersectionality in Autism: Race, Gender, Socioeconomic Status, and Other Identities

Celebrating the Positive Attributes of Being Autistic

Changes in the Concept of Autism - Francesca Happé CBE

Advantages and Challenges of Neural Hyperconnectivity and Variations in Brain Pruning of the Autistic Brain

Distinguishing Autism from High Sensitivity

The Benefits of Stimming: Understanding Repetitive Behaviors

Heightened Special Interests

Understanding Drastic Energy Fluctuations

Understanding the Unique Mental Load of Autistic Women

Understanding Autism: A Documentary

Embracing Neurodivergence

Identity and Self-Expression

The Struggles of Masking: Autistic Women Hiding Their Authentic Selves

Unmasking Freedom: Embracing Our Autistic Identity and Being Ourselves in the World

The Difference Between 'I Am Autistic' and 'I Have Autism': Language, Identity, and Empowerment

The Intersection of Autism, Queer Identity, and Gender Variance

Role Models and Influencers: Highlighting Autistic Women Making an Impact


Understanding the Double Empathy Problem Between Autistic and Non-Autistic Communication Styles

Autistic and Allistic Communication Styles (Double Empathy)

Using Non-Verbal Codes or Signals to Communicate Needs


Poll Results: Health and Neurological Survey

Poll Results: What Are Your Favorite Things About Being Autistic?

Poll Results: What Are Your Biggest Challenges?

Poll Results: If You Were to Describe What It's Like to Be Autistic, What Would You Say?

Diagnosis & Misdiagnosis

Navigating Autism Diagnosis in Highly Sensitive Women

Common Co-Occurring Conditions in Autistic Individuals

Common Misdiagnosis

Is It Depression or Autistic Burnout?

Distinguishing Between Autistic Meltdowns and Panic Attacks

Late Discovered Autism & Menopause

Challenges and Coping Strategies

Demand Avoidance in Autism: Our Journey with Energy and Expectations

Understanding Autistic Meltdowns and Shutdowns: Causes and Support Strategies

The Benefits of Cannabis Use in Autistic Individuals: Insights from Dr. Miyabe Shields, PhD

Supporting the Autistic

The Importance of Sensory Reduction for Autistic Individuals

Creating Sensory-Friendly Spaces

Further Exploration into the Multifaceted World of Autism: Insights and Questions from the Community

Enhancing Life for Autistic Individuals

Advocacy and Allyship

How Non-Autistic People Can Support and Advocate for Autistic Individuals

Additional Resources

Autism Quiz

Autistic Women's Group

Ways to Connect Further


"A Life-Changing Resource for Sensitive Autistic Women!"

"I cannot express how transformative this guide has been for me. I always felt misunderstood and overwhelmed by the world. This information provided me with the understanding I desperately needed. For the first time, I felt seen and validated in my experiences. The guide has helped me, as well as my family and friends, better understand myself." — Sarah M.

"An Indispensable Tool for Mental Health Practitioners"

"As a mental health practitioner, this guide on autism in adult women has helped me differentiate between autism and high sensitivity, ensuring better-informed support strategies. Julie’s description of the double empathy problem and bridging communication gaps has also been instrumental in improving the interactions between my autistic clients and their families, friends, and colleagues. This guide has expanded my professional knowledge. I highly recommend it to any practitioner looking to deepen their understanding and support of autistic women." — Emily Thompson

"A Crucial Resource for Medical Practitioners"

"Julie Bjelland’s guide is a crucial resource for medical practitioners. The updated information it provides will significantly enhance my ability to recognize autistic patients. This guide will transform my approach to patient care, significantly improving my patients’ overall well-being. I highly recommend it to all healthcare professionals." — Dr. Zhang

This comprehensive guide is an essential resource for anyone looking to better understand autism in women, whether you are an autistic woman seeking self-knowledge, a practitioner aiming to provide better support, or an ally advocating for autistic individuals. Empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to thrive and support others in their journey.

About the Author

Julie Bjelland, LMFT, is a licensed psychotherapist and founder of Sensitive Empowerment. Specializing in working with highly sensitive and autistic women, Julie's personal experience of learning she was autistic later in life transformed her understanding of herself and her work. Passionate about helping women change a lifelong narrative of feeling flawed to one of understanding, self-compassion, and authentic liberation, Julie is dedicated to spreading education and awareness that improves and even saves lives. As an author, course instructor, and podcast host ranked in the top 1.5% globally, Julie's work connects and supports women worldwide. Julie encourages embracing neurodivergence as an extraordinary diversity that enriches humanity. By flourishing at our highest potential, we can share the unique gifts within neurodivergence.