What Do You Want to Manifest?
I believe in the law of attraction and the exchange of energy and the power to bring something into our lives when we are clear and follow our intuition and through our thoughts, actions and beliefs.
Tips to Manifest
1. Practice the fierce HSP self-care and tools we teach in our community so you are balanced and strong and have tools for resilience. Think about it like building a house. If the foundation is not solid the house won't be strong. But if your foundation is solid, whatever you build on top of that will have a strong base. Plus, when we are balanced and thriving our creative flow and focus are so strong!
2. Be clear and specific about what you want to manifest. Write down what you want and ask for it.
3. What would be the steps you would need to take toward this goal? Break down the steps into ones that don't feel overwhelming. If the step is overwhelming, break it down smaller.
4. Check off the steps you take. It feels good to accomplish each step. Celebrate each one. Every day pay attention to even the smallest movement toward that goal and practice gratitude about what you are receiving.
5. It might be helpful to clear limiting or negative beliefs. Instead, believe it is possible. If we don't believe it's possible, how will it happen? If we believe it's possible we can change the energy around us to make it possible!
6. It's helpful to raise your vibration, spend time around positive people that make you feel good about yourself, and do not feed you limiting beliefs. Being in The Sensitive Empowerment Community is a powerful way to absorb energy from a group of people dedicated to growth and empowerment that will cheer you on and help you believe in yourself too!
7. Stay connected to your intuition. This is a powerful skill to further develop and trust. You have many answers waiting for you. Practice a lot of stillness, mindfulness, and meditation to hear the intuition whispers. They are there and will guide you along every step if you are slowing down to listen.
8. Set boundaries. You cannot pour from an empty cup. We cannot constantly pull everyone into our raft or we all sink. Your higher purpose is waiting for you and needs your focus.
9. Believe you matter and what you want to Manifest matters. Know that YOU are important to the world.
10. Do what is right for you and aligned with your mission. YOU are a powerful being with so much potential inside you. Pave your own path and light your own way if no one else has been on that path before you. What you light up helps others!
Please share what resonates. What are you wanting to Manifest? Do you have stories to share to inspire others about Manifesting something in your life? Would you add anything? ❤️
Here’s what members of The Sensitive Empowerment Community shared… ❤️
What an inspiring topic! I appreciate this opportunity to pause and reflect on the progress I've made recently towards my ideal life. I've been working on manifesting this for the past year. This month I took a big step by signing a lease on a rental house in my ideal town! I barely paused though for gratitude and celebration before being caught up in moving stress and apprehension about meeting new people.
I love the topic of manifestation and the law of attraction. As some of you know I have recently moved to pursue my dream of being a Director for Diversity Equity and Inclusion. About one year ago I decided I was going to do this and I put it on my vision board. I also wrote in my gratitude journal as though I was already the Director of diversity equity and inclusion. Also, one of my goals was to live in a two-bedroom home near views of water and green space. I’m happy to report that I now live in a charming two-bedroom condo in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood that is near parks and has sweeping views. I also now work as a director of diversity equity and inclusion at one of the most prestigious schools. I did this through visualization every day, through writing in my gratitude journal as though what I wanted was already in my possession, and through relentless belief in myself.
I love this topic so much. What I want to manifest is vitality, a healthy and fit body, and doing the things that I love doing, like hiking, skiing, in the beautiful mountains. I wish to have the energy to enjoy these activities with my family. I love all the tips that you shared. I am already doing a few of them. Recently, I have been feeling extremely depleted and discouraged that I was not getting close to my goal. With the help of your Blooming Brilliantly course and tools, I have started to become very aware of how and where I was losing my precious energy and decided that I was going to write down in my journal, every day, how my energy was. I am now writing down what I did that was helpful and where I was losing points and what was not helpful. I have also just started a gentle and gradual mind-body approach to health that includes morning and evening visualizations, gradual dietary changes, and gentle exercises. I have learned that a fast and harsh approach was really not good for me this year! I am moving towards my goal! Slow and steady. And now, my goal is SO clear! I am going to use your tools, Julie, to help manifest my dream. :)
I always write a word on the front of a new moleskin journal when I start it and a few words on a few pages in different areas of focus. The new word I wrote in my journal last month was Manifest!!! Partially because I swear I manifested buying a house at the beginning of covid, and now I want to grow on that and manifest something much bigger in my career. For my house manifest, I drew an imaginative picture of the big things I wanted most in a house (like a deck, yard, view, storage space) in my journal maybe 6-9 months before covid hit. we started the process of loans and such and figuring out some areas and going on some tours, but knew we wouldn’t actually buy until we really felt it was right for us. Then, when we had been in lockdown for 3 months with a baby in a busy city isolated from many friends, I had it and was ready to attack the goal. The great part was is that I had already gone through a lot of the pre-work that holds back your timeline, and that little figurative drawing kept pulling on my heartstrings.
And gosh, when I walked into the house we bought, it had all the things I put in the drawing, and we already had all of our ducks in a row, and we pounced on the opportunity! So all that being said, I am a huge believer in manifesting things. I am looking forward to the best great big one in my career. I can’t wait to hear about everyone else’s stories on this topic!Wow...absolutely wonderful article Julie! I am a work in progress! I recently decided to get stronger from the inside out. A total reversal of what I was doing which primarily focused on my physical body. I am now focusing on strengthening my mental, spiritual and emotional health. I want to manifest balance, health, kindness, self-nurturing, and resilience into my life. I started seeing a psychology counselor who introduced me to the HSP topic. I invested in the Blooming Brilliantly course. I just discovered that I am an HSP, and have been all my life!I rearranged my self-care regimen to better serve my HSP needs. First thing first, I took time off from the craziness of my busy life to recalibrate myself. I am trying to set aside 1 1/2 to 2 hours to myself every day. Some of my activities include listening to a nice inspiring podcast (i.e. Tara Brach, Oprah, Julie Bjelland), 10-minute meditation twice a day, stretching & breathing exercises, walk in nature, listening to soft/chill music, EFT tapping, listening to audible books, less TV news and social media for sure, journaling and expressing more gratitude even for small things. Journaling after a nice walk in nature has been quite restoring to my mind/body. I have seen significant healing in different areas. In a moment of stillness, I spend time exploring deep inside me in search of the true answer to the following question...What is my Vision? I also reflect on Hope and the belief that everything is possible.
Anyway, it is definitely a constant pursuit of positive energy and purpose.This is such a powerful topic, thank you for bringing it up Julie I love that you included setting boundaries because most experts out there on the Law of Attraction focus on the positive aspects and visualization... but saying "no" to what's not aligned with our vision is just as important.
I love this, I keep stumbling over myself (it feels like). I am so close to a better life I can taste it. It is so helpful to have support! Thank you 😊
I want to manifest love and health in my mind and body.
I want to build my business to help other HSPs to be happy, be healthy, and live lives that matter by building that foundation of self-care. ❤️
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Julie Bjelland is a Psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity, host of The HSP Podcast, and Founder of the Sensitive Empowerment Community, whose mission is to create a paradigm shift where sensitivity is embraced, valued, and honored. Julie offers multiple essential resources for educating, inspiring, and empowering HSPs. Register for her free Masterclasses and profoundly transform your life in her courses and community. Her HSP Dating Group is a safe space bringing together conscious, kind, caring HSPs (both Hetero and LGBTQ+). Her HSPs in Business Group supports and empowers sensitive people to grow heart-centered businesses, share their voices, and be part of the change the world needs. Explore Julie’s website dedicated to supporting HSPs and download a free letter to give medical and mental health professionals about high sensitivity. ❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)
When life feels heavy, negativity can take over. But one simple daily goal—intentionally noticing small moments of beauty, joy, or awe—can train your brain to focus on the positive. This easy practice helps balance emotions, improve mood, and build resilience. Try it for a week and experience the shift!