3 Steps That Help HSPs Thrive

Understanding the trait of high sensitivity is life-changing and the first step in moving out of survival mode and into thriving to your fullest potential. In this video, I explain more about the trait of high sensitivity. You may like to share this with others to help them understand you better.


We have brain differences that evolved for the survival of the population. We don’t need to change ourselves, we just need to learn about our needs, normalize our experience, and use tools that support a sensitive nervous system.

3 Steps to move out of survival mode and into thriving.

  1. Understand the trait of high sensitivity. You might like to start by taking my free Sensitivity Quiz, reading my HSP blog, and listening to The HSP Podcast. Also here’s a letter to give your medical and mental health providers about the trait.

  2. Spend time with other highly sensitive people, it normalizes and validates your experience. Learn more about my Sensitive Empowerment Community.

  3. Start using tools that help you balance your nervous system. I walk you through these tools in my HSP Courses.

Everyone around you benefits when you are centered, balanced, and thriving. You will feel more energy, productive, creative, and be able to access the many gifts of this trait!

Julie Bjelland, Founder of Sensitive Empowerment, psychotherapist, empowering people with the trait of high sensitivity to know their value, honor their needs, blossom authentically, and recognize, access, and share their many gifts the world needs. As a sensitivity expert, her HSP Podcast, Blog, Books, Courses, and Sensitive Empowerment Community offer valuable resources. Get a free guide to calm your brain and take the Sensitivity Quiz at JulieBjelland.com ❤️🌈❤️ (she/her)

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