Energy Medicine: A Gentle, Holistic Way of Healing to Create Health and Well-Being for Those with High Sensitivity Intelligence
Guest post by Elizabeth Ashton
What is energy healing and if you are a highly sensitive person, should you be interested? Energy Medicine is a natural therapy, based on scientific principles that support western medicine. It is performed by a certified Energy Healer and assists with creating health and well-being by focusing on clearing and balancing a person’s biofield, or energy field. Without physical touch, the practitioner uses their hands to sense, balance, and restore harmony to your energy field. This rebalancing, or clearing of blockages, promotes and accelerates mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Energy medicine can be especially helpful to HSPs because it is non-invasive, soothing, and calming. It goes gently in concert with our bodies to support our high sensitivities and natural ability to heal on all levels.
How does one receive energy healing?
Energy healing can be received in person or remotely when you and your healer are in two different places. You can be sitting in a chair or lying comfortably on a massage table if the session is in person. A remote session can take place lying on your bed, yoga mat, or even being in nature. It’s important you are comfortable. You can receive energy healing anywhere you can get quiet and relax, which for an HSP is often our own personal space. Think of a remote session as a healing energy that is put into a capsule and sent to you, wherever you are. Yes, this is astounding.
Let’s explore a few ways energy medicine is especially helpful for your wellness routine as an HSP:
Overwhelmed, wondering what to do next, periods of confusion: HSPs tend to get overwhelmed or over-stimulated because we process more information from our environment and from within than others do. Energy medicine supports and assists in releasing blocked energy that clears the energy field to allow for a deeper connection to you. You have a reset so you can hear your own clear voice and follow the guidance of your own heart.
Needing an energy boost: HSPs become drained from being in crowded environments, meetings, and shopping malls and take in the energy (and often anxiety) of others. Energy healing techniques: clear what is not yours, connect you with yourself and create an energy tune-up and boost.
Anxiety, stress, tension, headaches: Energy healing is effective in relieving stress because of its capacity to "turn on" the relaxation response. It soothes the nervous system resulting in a deep sense of calm and inner peace. A session provides the time and the space for you to let go of worries and cares resulting in feeling calm, grounded, and centered. This can open our minds to new insights and ideas, either during the session itself or in the days that follow.
Deeper spiritual connection: Allow yourself to have a reset session so you can hear your own clear voice and follow the guidance of your own heart.
Medical procedures and side effects of medical treatments: Note: Energy medicine can assist the body, mind, and spirit while undergoing medical treatments, like chemotherapy radiation therapy, and surgery (pre and post-surgery). Our body knows how to heal and repair itself; Energy Medicine opens the energy pathways in the body to assist in this inherent healing process.
Energy medicine can assist in:
Decreasing pain so less medication is needed
Lessening fatigue
Improved wound healing
Facilitating the body for faster recovery
Focuses on specific physical issues. Energy medicine can trigger a chain reaction of beneficial physiological changes that promote repair and healing by putting the body in the best possible position to heal itself. Physical conditions that can be improved include:
Back and skeletal issues
Lymphatic imbalances
Calming the nervous system
It is my hope this information has opened new doors of gentle healing and health maintenance possibilities for you to consider and explore. To learn more and schedule a 30-minute complimentary consultation visit or email
My world is an ongoing adventure of learning, experiencing, practicing, and shifting into the magic of energy healing and discovering how to live my fullest life as a highly sensitive person. Learning to live as an HSP was my missing link until I discovered Julie Bjelland, a psychotherapist specializing in high sensitivity. I delved into her classes, received extraordinary support, and continue to utilize the many resources she provides. Check out her website and the heartfelt community at This is my circle of coming home to myself as an Energy Medicine Specialist, HSP, Empath, and HSS. If you are a person of high sensitivity, honor your own adventure by exploring and learning how to come home to yourself.
Elizabeth Ashton: Energy Medicine Specialist, teacher, and healer of highly sensitive intelligence. She partners with you to alleviate physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances to restore strength, health, calm, and confidence. BA Psychology, Healing Touch Certified Practitioner, Stanford Cancer Supportive Care Program (Healing Touch Coordinator), Expressive Arts
Her approach to healing is heart-centered and meeting you where you are on your path. She companions you on your journey with compassion, and support, and creates custom tools of empowerment for self-care as she guides you home to you.
Elizabeth’s program offerings include small group experiences via zoom and in-person sessions that support your energetic systems for health, healing, and day-to-day living.
Her small group sessions can be an amazing experience. We gather with a clear intention and step into a calmness that provides an opportunity for transformation, connection, and healing.
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