Thankful for Community: Collective Thriving as HSPs by Christine Magnussen
Guest Post
This year, the season of Thanksgiving may mean more to us than ever before. In both Canada and the United States, people of all beliefs and orientations come together in the fall to celebrate the blessings of the harvest. The American tradition traces back to 1621 when the Wampanoag people helped the Pilgrims survive their first winter by sharing their cooperative harvest.
This is a time when the world opens its arms to welcome us, the highly sensitives, to model for humanity.
How can you tap into your talents to thrive and support one another?
Build connections.
Join the HSP community welcoming people of all ages and orientations.
Model compassion.
Optimize your health – consider taking a health class.
Tell your family and friends how much they mean to you.
Start a vegetable garden.
Teach others and share your knowledge.
Give meaningful gifts or experiences.
Repurpose, repair, and donate.
Attend Julie Bjelland’s free webinars, such as Tools to Help the Sensitive Survive in a Chaotic World.
Heartfelt gratitude from all of us in the Sensitive Empowerment Community to our leader, Julie Bjelland LMFT, for creating a nurturing and informative space for sensitive souls. Through live events, meaningful discussions, and compassionate guidance, Julie uplifts and strengthens our diverse community.
Join the Sensitive Sages group for HSPs 60+ for a Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch on November 22 - via Zoom! Bring a recipe, share what you’re grateful for, and enjoy a meal together. I’ll be sharing a healthy Sweet Potato & Spicy Pecan Crisp recipe. We’d love to have you with us for this time of community and all our free events!
As we enter the "sugar season" of holiday treats, let’s focus on the sweetness in life that truly nourishes and uplifts us.
Wishing you all the blessings of Thanksgiving!
About Christine Magnussen
Christine, a vibrant HSP in her 70s, is a Master Certified Health Coach specializing in Positive Aging. With expertise in Nutrition & Food Psychology, Stress Management and training in the Science of Happiness, she’s committed to helping people find health and happiness at any age. Christine leads the HSP PrimeTime Vitality Club with creative approaches to well-being. Learn more at
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